PiS wants changes to 800 plus: Club boss PIS Mariusz B³aszczak announced on Monday, January 20, that his group had submitted Sejm draft amendment to the act regarding limitations of the 800 plus program. The project provides that they would receive the benefit Ukrainians who work and pay taxes in Poland.
What next with the 800 plus project? Marshal of the Sejm Szymon Hołownia said on Tuesday during a briefing in Piotrków Trybunalski that the PiS bill will not be processed on Wednesday. – It will not be present at the next session of the Sejm because parliamentary bills – and I try to make sure of this, especially on such sensitive issues – should be passed. public consultations – he emphasized. Hołownia explained that the project would be submitted first formal controland then public consultations. He assessed that the PiS project could be submitted to the Sejm session in February.
Trzaskowski about 800 plus: Last week, the mayor of Warsaw and KO candidate for president of Poland, Rafał Trzaskowski, appealed to the government to introduce changes 800 plus. – I propose a fundamental change, namely when it comes to benefits such as 800 plus for Ukrainians, they should be due if Ukrainians workif they will live in Poland and if they are in Poland pay taxes – he said.
Read also: “1000 plus? Or maybe the progressive 800 plus? Declarations were made. 'We should talk'“.
Sources: Mariusz Błaszczak on X, PulsHR, Gazeta.pl