Health-threatening powder: The first product is Nuage baby powder without talc 284 g – with the article number in Action: 3204019, EAN code: 5053249268132, article number of the manufacturer 151 Products Ireland: NUA1193/A and batch numbers: 2023304822 and 2024052175. Importantly, this product was sold in Action until from January to October this year.
Why is it dangerous? “We have established that limit of microorganisms in several products with lot numbers 2023304822 and 2024052175 exceeds a certain safety threshold” – reported the network. It may cause allergic reactions and health hazard consumers. The item has therefore been withdrawn from sale, and people who have it can have it make a return in Action stores – even without a receipt. They will then receive a full refund prices purchasing powder.
Another product also discontinued: Action also issued a warning regarding doll feeding set (consisting of 5 parts) – o article number in the store: 3202901, EAN code: 8714627015003, Toi-Toys manufacturer's article number: 38387 and batch numbers: 23002041, 23002042, 23002043. The reason for this decision was to conduct a product safety analysis, during which it was found that the product is part of the set the fork may breakthereby creating a threat to a playing child. The item must also be returned.
Read also: “Popular product withdrawn from Lidl. GIS appeals for a refund. It's about taste and smell“.
Sources: Action messages