Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the media about the breakup Agnieszka Kaczorowska and Maciej Pela. Initially, there was only speculation that their relationship was falling apart. Moreover, neither side wanted to comment on the case. Finally, the actress broke the silence. She went to Kuba Wojewódzki's programo, where she officially confirmed the end of the relationship. Pela shortly thereafter appeared in “Good morning TVN”where he also addressed the issue of separation. – She [Kaczorowska – przyp. red.] Even when I was in the program, she sent me messages saying that she couldn't wait to come back, that she missed me (…) and two days later I found out that it was over – he said in the program.
Agnieszka Kaczorowska about karma. Is he afraid that he will come back to her?
Agnieszka Kaczorowska admitted in an interview with Plotek that many people hate her on social media. The situation becomes particularly difficult when blocked Internet users leave unpleasant comments on other profiles, e.g. TVN7. The second season of “Queen of Survival”, in which Kaczorowska appears, is called “Karma Returns”. The dancer revealed whether she is afraid that karma will catch up with her. – I absolutely believe in karma, but it's not what everyone talks about. (…) That's not exactly how it works. If someone is a little interested in spirituality, astrology, or spends some time on these topics, I recommend reading it. Some of us have such karma written into our soul's path to make up for, while others do not. And this karma does not concern what we do every day in life, but a little deeper – she specified. She addedthat he knows his numerological portrait and knows what karma he has to make up for.
Agnieszka Kaczorowska talks honestly about her friendship with her ex-partner. Is there a chance for this?
Kasia Nast from “Queen of Survival” emphasized in a conversation with Plotek that she believes in friendship after a breakup. And what is the position? Agnieszka Kaczorowska? When asked by us if she also believed in friendship with her ex, the dancer gave an answer that did not shed the best light on her relationship with Maciej Pela. – I don't know, I haven't experienced it yet. (…) This requires a lot of maturity on both sides, she said. SEE ALSO: A scandal is brewing. Kaczorowska breaks the silence about Schreiber [PLOTEK EXCLUSIVE]