Note “Antiqua et nova” prepared by the dicasteries of the teachings of faith, culture and education Vaticanu is directed to parents, teachers, clergy and experts. In 117 paragraphs, he assesses the consequences of the development of artificial intelligence (SI).
In the document, the progress of research on AI was defined as “Part of man's cooperation with God“. At the same time, it warns against enslavement “Through her own work” and points out that artificial intelligence “should be used only as a tool supplementing human intelligence, and not replacing its wealth”
The document states that in the case of AI the very term “intelligence” is misleading because it is more about “One of the products“Intelligence.
The church sees a chance in AI
According to the Vatican, artificial intelligence can “foster“, but also lead to”harmful insulation“With a negative impact on the development of children. What's more, digital supervision” can be abused to perform control over the lives of believers And the way they express their faith. “
The document also warns against the so -called Fake News and Deepfake, created by AI and violations of privacy and “intimacy”.
“Antiqua et nova” states that artificial intelligence can lead to “significant innovations”, but also Increasing social inequalities. Anxiety is due to the fact that “most of the power over the main AI applications It is concentrated in a few powerful companies“. This technology can be manipulated for “personal profits and company ” – he warns Vatican.
There is a chance to create new jobs, but also the risk of “disqualification of employees and subject them automated supervision“” and “sets” of all innovative ability. “Do not always strive for more and more replacement of human work by technological progress; in this way Humanity would have harmed itself” – we read in the document.
Recalling the “huge potential” of applications in medicine, the Vatican warns that “AI integration with health care creates a risk deepening the disproportion in access for medical care “within the model”medicine for the rich“.
The Note of the Vatican also talks about ecology: “AI has many promising applications for improving our relationships with our 'common home' (…) They consume huge amounts of energy and watersignificantly contributing to CO 2 emissions and burdening resources. “
Vatican's fears related to artificial intelligence
The document warns against the development potential of “war instruments far beyond the scope of human supervision and acceleration of a destabilizing arms racewith catastrophic consequences for human rights. ”
AI “analytical” possibilities could be used as Help for nations in pursuit of peace and safety. But as “a serious reason for ethical concern” is considered autonomous and deadly weapons systems, capable of “identifying goals without direct human intervention.” Such technologies “grant uncontrolled destructive strength in the war that hits many innocent civilians without saving even children. “
According to the Vatican, so that humanity would not fall into the “self -destruction spiral” “should take a clear position against all technological applications that threaten the life and dignity of a person“.
At the top of the leaders G7 in 2024 Pope Francis He appealed to prohibit a weapon based on AI, saying: “No machine can Never decide on or take your life human being. “
“Antiqua et nova” was accepted by the Pope. According to him, artificial intelligence should not replace the relationship interpersonal, or be treated as people, “only as tool supplementing human intelligence“.
Sources: Vatican News, PAP