The Minister of Finance did the right thing by asking the National Electoral Commission to interpret the resolution on money for PiS – said Aleksandra Gajewska, deputy minister of family, labor and social policy, in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24. Michał Wójcik from PiS, former deputy minister of justice, said that in this case Andrzej Domański was acting “neither on the basis of the law nor within the limits of the law.”
December 30 National Electoral Commission adopted the financial report of the PiS committeethus implementing the decision of the unrecognized Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs of the Supreme Court. The adopted resolution states that it is “immanently and directly related to the ruling, which must come from a body that is a court within the meaning of the constitution and the Electoral Code.” “The National Electoral Commission does not determine that the IKNiSP Supreme Court is a court and does not determine the effectiveness of the judgment,” reads paragraph 2 of the resolution.
On Wednesday, the Minister of Finance Andrzej Domański announced in a statement that asked the National Electoral Commission to interpret the resolutioni.e. clarification of doubts regarding its content.
READ ALSO: Member of the National Electoral Commission on the decision of the Minister of Finance: reasonable
Gajewska: the minister acts responsibly
This matter was discussed in “Kropka nad i” on TVN24 by Aleksandra Gajewska from the Civic Coalition, deputy minister of family, labor and social policy, and former deputy minister of justice Michał Wójcik from PiS.
Gajewska said that the minister made the right decision when making this decision. – Because the minister did not make a hasty decision, he did not act under pressure, he is talking about observing the law and implementing justice and about an action that is supposed to be such an action (in the spirit of the law – ed.), and not about looking for any ad hoc solutions or any revenge, which could have been suggested here, she said.
– The minister acts responsibly and wants to find out from the National Electoral Commission, which adopted this particular resolution, which is internally contradictory (…), what is the interpretation of this resolution that they issued, because even members of the National Electoral Commission mutually They contradict themselves in stating how this resolution should be understood, she continued.
Wójcik: the resolution of the National Electoral Commission is child's play
Michał Wójcik also commented on the matter.
– It seems to me that Minister Domański has already exhausted the elements of the crime under Article 231 (of the Penal Code – ed.), i.e. he did not do what the law obliged him to do. If he has any doubts, he should read the letter he received at the same time as the resolution, from the National Electoral Commission, which says “please pay me” – he said.
A representative of PiS said that the resolution of the National Electoral Commission was “child's play.” – The first point of this resolution says that (the report by Law and Justice should be adopted – editor's note). Point three – “there is no further appeal from this.” And the second point is actually of no importance. The National Electoral Commission is signaling that it will not be involved in deciding whether it is a court or not – he continued.
– With all due respect, the National Electoral Commission is not responsible for assessing whether a court is a court, and the Minister of Finance is not responsible for assessing whether the National Electoral Commission is the National Electoral Commission – he added. – Today I am telling the minister that he operates neither on the basis of the law nor within the limits of the law – said the TVN24 guest.
Main photo source: TVN24