President Andrzej Duda signed the budget act for 2025 and sent some of the provisions to the Constitutional Tribunal under the post-control procedure, MaĆgorzata Paprocka, the head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, said on Friday.
– The Budget Act primarily regulates all issues related to state expenses and revenues, but it also contains very important regulations for citizens. What I mean here are issues related to increasing the budgetary remuneration of teachers, soldiers and officers, as well as the indexation of pensions and pensions this year – said Paprocka.
As she added, “such increases take into account the deteriorating economic situation in Poland inflationprice increases, are very much expected and desired by Polish women and men, and they will be able to be implemented only after the budget act is signed by the president and after it is announced in the Journal of Laws – she emphasized.
According to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, if the president refers the budget bill to the Constitutional Tribunal, the Tribunal has 2 months from the date of receipt of the application to issue a ruling on the matter.
Budget Act 2025
Last week, the Sejm adopted 28 Senate amendments to the budget act for 2025. The state financial plan assumes that budget revenues will amount to PLN 632.6 billion, expenses will not exceed PLN 921.6 billion, and the deficit will reach a maximum of PLN 289 billion.
The budget act was prepared with the assumption that in 2025 there will be an increase GDP will be 3.9 percent, and the average annual inflation will be 5 percent.
The budget for 2025 includes a record amount of PLN 124.3 billion for national defense, including an increase in the salaries of professional soldiers. Compared to 2024, this is an increase of PLN 6.2 billion. Together with the expenditure of the Armed Forces Support Fund, next year's expenditure on national defense will reach PLN 186.6 billion, i.e. it will be PLN 28.6 billion higher than planned for this year. This means that in 2025 expenses for Polish army will be 4.7 percent GDP; this year it is 4.2 percent. GDP.
According to the budget, wage growth next year will amount to 7%. By 5 percent the base amount for teachers' salaries and for state budget employees, including officers and soldiers, employees of ministries and central and provincial offices will increase. The employee remuneration fund will also be increased ZUS and KRUS. PLN 24.2 billion was allocated for the indexation of pension benefits from March 1, 2025, including for officers and the remuneration of retired judges and prosecutors.
The budget also included PLN 221.7 billion for health care (including National Health Fund), which means an increase in expenses by nearly PLN 31 billion. Meanwhile, PLN 8.4 billion will go to the “Active Parent” program, PLN 62.8 billion to the “Family 800+” program, and PLN 3.2 billion to widow's pension. PLN 31.5 billion will be allocated for the 13th and 14th pensions, and PLN 24.2 billion will go to the indexation of pension and disability benefits.
The government will allocate approximately PLN 4.2 billion for housing-related purposes, and PLN 4.6 billion has been reserved for the investment process of the nuclear power plant. This money is to be used to recapitalize the company Polskie Elektrownie JÄ drowe.
In 2025, the deficit of the general government sector (government and local government institutions) will amount to 5.5%. GDP. The expected ratio of this sector's debt to GDP (according to the EU definition) will be 54.6%. at the end of 2024 and 59.8 percent at the end of 2025, i.e. below the reference value specified in the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU at 60%. State report public debt to GDP will amount to 43.3 percent in 2024 and 47.9 percent in 2025
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