There is no dress code at the gym and we should dress in a way that makes us feel comfortable. Recently it turned out that it was for Anna Popek being comfortable at the gym means breaking a sweat in high heels, which she showed off on Instagram. Popek's unusual footwear did not escape the attention of her fans. “Boring in Adidas” – she replied to one of the comments. Although it may seem funny and harmless, the trainer in a conversation with Plotek points out that exercising in high-heeled shoes may have a negative impact on our health.
Anna Popek exercises at the gym and posed in high heels. The star coach reminds us about stability
For a comment on high heels Anna Popek At the gym, we asked the personal trainer of Polish and foreign stars, Tadeusz Gauer, known on Instagram as gauer_fitness. Under his supervision, they improved their form, among others: Julia Wieniawa and Roxie Coal. The expert says directly that the choice of footwear at the gym is extremely important and we should not underestimate it under any circumstances. – Is it okay to train in high heels? When training with weights, it can lead to ankle, knee or hip injuries, and in extreme cases, especially in barbell squats. may end in tragedy – he tells us. – Stability is the key in strength training – added the expert.
Tadeusz Gauer also returned a recording of Anna Popek exercising barefoot. He praised the presenter for this choice. – This is a very good solution – he said. He also noted that he prefers to train in flat shoes. – Stiff, more advanced, intended for this type of training, and not necessarily in classic running shoes, which are often very unstable – said the expert in an interview with us.
Anna Popek praises the results of the exercises
What prompted Anna Popek to visit the gym regularly? As she admitted, she wanted to have a flat stomach thanks to exercises. Presenter he addedand that he already feels other positive effects of activity. “Now that I have been exercising for some time, I have different feelings related to training – greater life energy, better condition, self-confidence. The self-imposed discipline brings many fruits after some time. I recommend it!” – she added finally Popek.