There was no such thing yet: The real estate market has never been so saturated apartments As in 2024 There were 426 apartments per 1000 inhabitants. Hreit estimates that in February the meter of existing apartments in Poland should finish up to 16 million. The average apartment in Poland has over 75 sq m, which, per person, means that everyone has over 32 meters at their disposal. Until now, it has not been so comfortable in Poland.
Historical result: “For comparison, 10 years ago, we had about 363 apartments per thousand people, and two decades ago 332 real estate. So we are dealing with a very consistent improvement” – notes Bartosz Turek, the main analyst of Hreit. The perspective of several dozen or one hundred years ago is even more impressive. In 1974, we had less than 250 apartments per 1000 inhabitants, and at the beginning of the interwar period (in 1921) it was Only 179 apartments per 1000 citizens.
We had a large jump: “These dry numbers translate into specifics in such a way that, for example, in the 70s, only a few percent of young marriages after the wedding could afford to live in an independent apartment. The rest either lived separately, or in renting a single room or just lived Under one roof with parents ” – cites Hreit. What's more, in 1931 In over 9.5 thousand At least 12 people lived in uniforms.
Europe has gone around: As in a historical perspective, we can look at our real estate market proudly, so in a European perspective it does not look so good. The last available data from 2022 shows that The average for the EU is 514 apartments per 1000 people. Not only is there less Polish apartments, they are also smaller than European. The last data is admittedly a decades ago, but already in France, Owners Whether Spain It was about 40 meters per head. In the Netherlands or Germany, about 50 meters per person, and in Denmark over 60 meters. “Today, these results would undoubtedly be higher. Therefore, there should be no doubt that native real estate is, on average, quite modest against the background of Western European” – emphasizes Bartosz Turek in the analysis.
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Sources: Hreit (press materials)