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Friday, February 7, 2025

ARP president dismissed – TVN24

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The president of the Industrial Development Agency Michał Dąbrowski was dismissed on Friday – according to the findings of tvn24.pl. A new competition for this position will be held soon. Last year, we reported that the authorities of the Industrial Development Agency cooperated with the accused in the so -called infoafera and planned to conclude a contract with his company.

The fate of the driver of the ARP since May last year was determined a few weeks ago. On Friday, the Supervisory Board decided to formally.

Man problem, there will still be a lot of them to come out

Although ARP is not widely known to public opinion, it is very important for the entire economy. It has majority shares in over 50 companies, manages several special economic zones, and also in financing development projects.

Contacts with the accused in “Infoafera”

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Despite this, ARP signed a contract with his company worth about PLN 500,000. Another contract was also worked, already worth nearly PLN 4 million.

– When the questions came from you, the topic was abandoned. And specifying that its implementation was transferred to another government agency – says tvn24.pl an ARP employee who declares that he will repeat these words in court.

According to the official answers that we received at the time, contracts with Janusz Jabłoński and the BERM company he controlled, were related to the activities of the management board during the rule of the United Right.

– After the change in the composition of the ARP Management Board, as a result of the BERM entity had already made a comprehensive service of organizing participation in the European Economic Congress – such answers were sent to us on behalf of the President of the Deputy Director of the Marketing Division Daria Grunt. As we verified at the members of the former board, it was not true: there was no contacts with Berm and Janusz Jabłoński. Also, current agency employees inform in an interview with tvn24.pl that the convicted by Jabłoński's final judgment was brought to the agency by president Michał Dąbrowski.

On May 23, 2024, Janusz Jabłoński was legally convicted by the District Court in Warsaw. The verdict was: two years in prison suspended for five years and PLN 150,000. The verdict concerned Article 305 of the Penal Code, i.e. disturbing the public tender, and Article 270 on falsification of documents.

Cash on PiS

Dąbrowski himself made a career in business during the rule of the United Right, being, among others Plenipotentiary of the Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, cooperating with the Tri -City Special Economic Zone. His name was also on the list of people paying money to the Law and Justice election fund -in 2019 it was 3,000 zlotys with the note “to the campaign (MP -ed.) Jadwiga Wiśniewska”.

– The President of the Board of the Industry Development Agency SA Michał Dąbrowski has repeatedly presented his position on this matter. The fact of the theft of personal data and using it in an unauthorized manner in public space, including the loss of an ID card, reported to relevant services, including those responsible for security – that was the official response of the president.

Author/author:Robert Zieliński

Source of the main photo: Kasia Zaremba/PAP

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