The mother of a 2.5-year-old boy who fell from a fifth-floor balcony on Friday has been charged with two offences, prosecutor Jacek Boda from the Bielsko District Prosecutor's Office said. “The first is exposing a person to immediate danger of losing their life or health, and the second is causing serious bodily harm,” Boda said. The woman was arrested. The boy's condition remains “serious, but stable.”
On Friday afternoon A 2.5-year-old boy fell out of a fifth-floor window one of the buildings in Bielsko-Biała (Silesian Province). He was transported to the hospital.
The child is currently being treated at the Upper Silesian Child Health Center in Katowice. Its spokesman, Wojciech Gumułka, said on Sunday that the 2.5-year-old's condition remains “serious but stable.”
Mother of boy facing charges
On Sunday, prosecutor Jacek Boda from the Bielsko District Prosecutor's Office said that the boy's 38-year-old mother had been charged with two offences. “The first is exposing a person to immediate danger of losing their life or health who is under an obligation to care for them, and the second is causing serious bodily harm. The child suffered very serious injuries as a result of falling from the fifth floor,” he said.
The charges are punishable by a prison sentence of 3 months to 5 years. Prosecutor Boda said investigators were investigating the circumstances of the case. He did not say whether the suspect had pleaded guilty.
He added that at the request of the prosecutor's office, the 38-year-old was arrested for three months.
Main image source: Source:, photo: Adam Kanik