Source: Googlemaps
An accident occurred in one of the workplaces in Otrębusy (Pruszków poviat). According to the police, a 56-year-old employee of the plant died as a result of injuries.
We received the first information about the accident in Otrębusy on contact24. According to the applicant, when working at the plant, the woman “was drawn by the machine.”
Aspirant Jacek Sobociński from the Warsaw Police Headquarters reported that the information about this accident was received around 10.30.
– During the operation of the machine in one of the workplaces in Otrębusy, a 56-year-old woman had an accident. Unfortunately, she died during the rescue operation – the policeman said.
– The causes and circumstances of the accident are being determined. Actions are supervised by the prosecutor – added Aspirant Sobociński.
Read also: A worker is dead on whom the ceiling of the building collapsed
Source: Mateusz Mżyk/
Author/author: dg
Source:, contact24
Source of the main photo: Googlemaps