Maintaining a healthy waist circumference and exercising regularly are more effective in reducing the risk of cancer than either factor alone, according to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Over 300,000 people took part in it. people. Researchers are “excited” by the findings.
According to the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) on its website, the “first in the world” study on the effectiveness of combining physical activity with waist circumference control showed that people who do not meet the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding waist circumference, are 11 percent more likely to get cancer, even if they exercise regularly.
In turn, people who do not meet WHO guidelines on physical activity have a 4% lower risk of cancer. larger, even if they have a narrow waist, WCRF explains in a statement published on Wednesday. People who do not engage in physical activity and do not meet the WHO guidelines for waist circumference have a 15% higher risk. – according to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal “British Journal of Sports Medicine”. A total of over 300,000 people took part in it. people.
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Waist circumference – how many centimeters of abdominal obesity
What World Health Organization guidelines are we talking about? According to experts, if a woman's waist circumference is between 80 and 88 cm and a man's between 94 and 102 cm, there is a high probability of developing abdominal obesity and its complications. In Poland, the National Institute of Cardiology states on its website that “if the waist circumference is greater than or equal to 88 cm in women and greater than or equal to 102 cm in men, then abdominal obesity is diagnosed, which means that excess fat inside the abdominal cavity poses a risk of for health.”
Physical activity – WHO recommendations
When it comes to physical activity, WHO recommends it for adults aged 18-64 over 20 minutes of exercise every dayso that it is at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or at least 75 minutes of intense exercise per week. This is physical activity performed in free time, such as walking, dancing, gardening, hiking, swimming, cycling, housework, fun, games, sports or planned exercises.
“Meeting both WHO guidelines for waist circumference and physical activity is essential for cancer prevention; meeting just one of these guidelines is insufficient,” says the team of scientists who prepared the new analysis.
Overweight and obesity / body mass index BMIPAP
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Researchers 'excited' by findings
“The study's results highlight the importance of a holistic approach to lifestyle rather than focusing on one factor to reduce cancer risk,” notes Dr. Helen Croker of the World Cancer Research Fund, quoted on its website. – Maintaining a healthy weight, especially waist circumference within the recommended level, and physical activity, along with a healthy diet, are key to reducing the risk of cancer – adds the scientist. Croker notes that it's worth starting with “small” changes, such as introducing regular exercise into your daily routine.
The main author of the new analysis, prof. Michael Leitzmann from the University of Regensburg in Germany emphasizes, however, that researchers are “excited” about the new discoveries. “This study reinforces the importance of practical, achievable lifestyle changes that can have a significant impact on health,” he says.
World Cancer Research Fund, The Independent,
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