On Wednesday, September 11, at around 4 p.m., former MEP PIS Ryszard Czarnecki was detained at the airport in Warsaw. At the same time, his wife Emilia H. was also detained – he informed on the platform X Jacek DobrzyĆski, spokesman for the Ministry of Interior and Administration. The Collegium Humanum scandal is in the background.
The wife of a PiS MEP was employed at Collegium Humanum
The spokesman for the Ministry of Interior and Administration informed that the proceedings were conducted together with CBA concerns the scandal surrounding Collegium Humanum. Emilia H., Ryszard Czarnecki's wife, was employed at this university. She also holds an MBA from this institution. From unofficial sources information tvn24.pl it turns out that the fictitious employment of Emilia H. was a “form of bribe” for Czarnecki for promoting the university, among politicians, among others PIS.
The private college offered instant coursesthanks to which it was possible to obtain an MBA diploma, which in turn allowed one to apply for positions on supervisory boards of State Treasury companies.
The Collegium Humanum scandal broke out in March 2023 with the detention of two people by the CBA who were supposed to be receiving financial and personal benefits. In February of this year, CBA officers detained seven people, three of whom were members of the Collegium Humanum authorities. One of the people was Rector PaweĆ Cz. The reason for the detentions was the trade in diplomas on a mass scale.
Collegium Humanum Affair. The case is being investigated by the prosecutor's office and the Central Anticorruption Bureau
The Rector of Collegium Humanum has been charged with accepting financial benefits for issuing false certificates of completion of postgraduate studies. According to the findings, he received over one million zlotys for issuing about one thousand diplomas. As reported by “Republic” the former rector of Collegium Humanum recently heard further allegations. Students from Ukraine were supposed to receive confirmation that they had been students of the university for a year, although they had never once attended classes. This was supposed to be a way to bypass the mandatory state exam in Ukraine.
Dr. hab. Krzysztof KoĆșmiĆski, who represents the injured parties in the Collegium Humanum case, in an interview with “Republic” he said that the case violates civil, administrative and constitutional law. His clients want to finish or continue their studies. However, this is not possible because the documents from the former Collegium Humanum cannot be recovered. – Our clients are in different factual situations, but all of them are suffering as a result of the paralysis of the university that has been going on for many weeks – he said. He added that many people had their studies financed by an external entity or employer. Now they are demanding a refund of the funds, and employers are threatening to dismiss them due to failure to complete their studies. You can read more about this in the article: “The paralysis of Polish universities and thousands of people in a “legal trap”. It started with a scandal“.