The former deputy head of the CBA Daniel Karpeta did not again appeared before the parliamentary commission of Penasus. The Commission decided to apply to the District Court in Warsaw for a witness to a law enforcement of three thousand zlotys.
The carpet was to be questioned on Monday in open mode and at a closed meeting.
The head of the investigation commission Magdalena Sroka (PSL-TD) announced that the witness sent a letter to the commission on Friday that he would not appear at the interrogation. She added that his request to justify this absence was rejected. – Mr. Daniel Karpeta in correspondence to the Commission did not refer to the decision of the Constitutional Tribunal of Julia PrzyÅ‚Ä™bska, he gave other private issues. However, this excuse was not accepted – said the head of the committee.
Therefore, MP Witold Zembaczyński (KO) in the discussion submitted a request to apply to the District Court in Warsaw for a carpentry with a order of three thousand zlotys. This conclusion was adopted unanimously.
Sroka announced that the new date of interrogation of the carpeet would soon be set. So this will be the third approach to his interrogation, because it was originally to take place at the beginning of December last year. At that time, the carpet also did not appear at the committee meeting.
Daniel Karpeta was an officer CBA From 2007, he was the deputy head of the office from May 20, 2020 to January 30, 2024.
PEGASUS Relacing Committee
The PEGASUS inquiry commission examines the legality, correctness and purposefulness of activities undertaken using this software, including by the government, special services and the police from November 2015 to November 2023. The Commission is also to determine who was responsible for the purchase of Pegasus and similar tools for Polish authorities.
Pegasus is a system that was created by the Israeli company NSO Group to fight terrorism and organized crime. With the help of Pegasus, you can not only eavesdrop on conversations from an infected smartphone, but also access to other data stored in it, e.g. emails, photos or video recordings, as well as cameras and microphones.
In September last year, the Constitutional Tribunal stated that the scope of the activity of the investigation commission on Pegasus was unconstitutional, and the resolution on the appointment of a commission was affected by a “legal defect”. At the beginning of March 2024, the Sejm adopted a resolution on the removal of the effects of the constitutional crisis of 2015-2023 and stated that “in the activities of the public authority of the CT public authority in the public authority's activities issued in violation of law may be considered a violation of the principle of legalism by these authorities.” Since the adoption of this resolution by the Sejm, the judgments of the Constitutional Tribunal are not published in the Journal of Laws. In December. The government resolution stated, inter alia, that the announcement of official decisions of the Constitutional Tribunal could lead to the consolidation of the state of the rule of law.
Source of the main photo: Tvn24