Karol Wiśniewskiknown as Frizmade a fortune from videos on social media. Some time ago, a new program, “Challenger”, appeared on the influencer's channel. The guests are asked to complete various challenges. Recently, however, the celebrity decided to go a step further. Participants they had to immerse yourself in a pool filled with ice and cold water. It's easy to guess that the person who lasted the longest won. One of players he finished the challenge in critical condition. The intervention of the relevant services was necessary.
Friz's program could have ended very badly. Korwin Piotrowska was outraged
In Friz's “Challenger” program, the winnings are PLN 250,000. In the sixth episode, the contestants decided to give their all in an unusual game. Most people couldn't last very long. After an hour, Wiśniewski could no longer feel his legs. However, Jay Dąbrowski was in the worst condition. The man was shaking all the time and was unable to move on his own. The intervention of rescuers was necessary to try to calm him down. Cooling down the body was extremely dangerous. She spoke on this subject Karolina Korwin Piotrowska. “These are supposedly idols,” she began. “Does anyone control this type of challenge? Can any pathology do it and film it and make money from it? And can someone explain to me how it differs from pathology in freak fights? Have I missed something?” – she emphasized indignantly.
In the Friza program, the intervention of rescuers was necessary. Could it have ended in tragedy?
Korwin Piotrowska was not the only one who was terrified by Friz's program. The influencer's loyal fans were also not thrilled. This time they believed that even the most interesting tasks had their limits. “One of the scariest episodes so far, because when it comes to fighting for your life, it gets dangerous”, “That ending looked like Jay and Friz were dying. It was really hard to bear watching something like that. Damn, you really should control yourself, because these challenges are starting to get sick,” we read in the comments. Do you agree? SEE ALSO: Karolina Korwin Piotrowska had problems after being fired from TVN. “Now I can talk about it”