He physically and mentally abused his own daughter. Because of this, he was banned from approaching her. This was supposed to provide the woman with peace and safety. However, the son did not care about the ban. He would come to his mother and threaten to kill her. He was arrested for three months.
– A 32-year-old resident of the Wyszków commune is prohibited from approaching or contacting his 57-year-old mother. The court's decision was a consequence of the man's earlier aggressive and unlawful behavior, who abused her physically and mentally. This prohibition was intended to ensure the woman's safety and isolation from the aggressor – informs junior asp. Wioleta Szymanik from the Wyszków police. – However, the son consciously ignored the court's prohibition. He repeatedly visited his mother at her place of residence. He insulted her, threatened to kill her and destroyed her belongings – she adds.
Charges and arrest
The 32-year-old was arrested and taken to a police cell. He was charged with making criminal threats, violating a court order and damaging property. The court ordered him to be temporarily detained for three months.
He faces a sentence of up to three years in prison.
It can affect anyone
“Domestic violence can affect anyone, regardless of origin, financial status, age, gender, education. It can take the form of physical, psychological, sexual and economic violence. All of these forms can occur simultaneously or independently of each other,” the police remind.
Domestic violence is a single or repeated intentional action or omission, using physical, psychological or economic advantage, violating the rights or personal rights of a person experiencing domestic violence, in particular: a) exposing this person to the risk of loss of life, health or property, b) violating their dignity, physical integrity or freedom, including sexual freedom, c) causing damage to their physical or mental health, causing suffering or harm to this person, d) limiting or depriving this person of access to financial resources or the possibility of taking up employment or gaining financial independence, e) significantly violating the privacy of this person or arousing in them a sense of threat, humiliation or torment, including undertaken by means of electronic communication. Types of domestic violence: 1. physical violence; 2. psychological violence; 3. economic violence; 4. sexual violence; 5. so-called cyberviolence.
Emergency number 112
“Anyone who hears the sounds of a fight behind the wall or children crying can react and help victims of violence to oppose the aggressor. All you have to do is call, even anonymously, emergency number 112. Each such report will be checked by the police and if necessary, they will take appropriate legal steps to prevent domestic violence or other prohibited acts. Remember that domestic abuse is a crime punishable by imprisonment for up to 5 years. In the case of so-called recidivism, the penal code provides for a penalty of imprisonment for physical or mental abuse of a close person or another person in a permanent or temporary relationship of dependence. up to 7.5 years” – the police remind.
Who should be notified: the police; a social worker of a social welfare organisational unit; a soldier of the Military Police (in cases of soldiers on active military service who use domestic violence); a social worker of a specialist support centre for people experiencing domestic violence; a family assistant; a teacher who is the class tutor or a teacher familiar with the minor’s home situation; a person practicing a medical profession, including a doctor, nurse, midwife or paramedic; a representative of the municipal commission for resolving alcohol problems; a pedagogue, psychologist, therapist who is a representative of social welfare organisational units, the municipal commission for resolving alcohol problems, the education and health care organisations, non-governmental organisations.
If you are experiencing emotional problems and would like advice or support, here you will find a list of organizations offering professional help. In case of immediate life-threatening situation, call 997 or 112.
Main image source: Shutterstock