What's going on? – We're going to drill, honey, drill. (…) The inflation crisis was caused by… huge overspending and rising energy prices – he emphasized in his first speech Donald Trumpdeclaring a “national state of emergency in the energy sector.” After these words, he received a standing ovation from the people gathered in the Oval Office.
Big change: – Thanks to my actions today we will end the Green New Deal and we will reverse the electric vehicle mandate, saving our auto industry and honoring my sacred oath to my great American auto workers. In other words, you will be able to buy car according to your choice. We will again produce cars in America at a pace that no one could have dreamed of just a few years ago, he argued.
What does “state of emergency” mean? The media had previously reported that Donald Trump would decide to take such a step immediately after being sworn in. Details of how what a “state of emergency” will look like in practice are not known yet, but unofficial information says that it will result in faster approval of new oil-related projects, gas and electricity. It is also intended to enable the exploitation of natural resources in Alaska.