Voters are afraid, perhaps rightly, that the current world order will collapse people on their heads as ineptly renovated roof of the station in a new orchard, which led to mass student protests in Serbiawhich – despite the demonstrative washing of the hands by the authorities and throwing out of Prime Minister Vucevic from work – still paralyze the country.
Not, Perhaps by Trump this world order will finally collapseand nothing better will arise on his ruins. But for now in this tunnel You can also see the lightsand it can be considered that they are not the headlights of the oncoming locomotive.
Trump can unite European populists and right wing. Until now, both Protrump and Proputin. And if Trump decides – and for now the vast majority of signals indicate it – press Putin to the wall, you Putino -Trumpów today They will have to choose who they love harder: Trump or Putin.
New “Pope” of populism
And well: they will probably choose Trump. Trump, first, is the West, and the shirt is always closer to the body. Secondly, the mint of conservative populists to Putin has so far relied mainly in the fact that the Russian dictator professed similar values as they: fatigue “decadent” with the west, liberal and favorable minorities, the desire to “strong hand” of repairing the poles in which the current liberal order He entered, as the populists say, in the blind streets.
Like, for example, the issue of illegal migration, non -migrants to the cultures of receiving countries, or finally “around the “ist” narrative in the media or institutions. Today, when America, and therefore NATOand therefore the West is ruled by a man who rhetorically fights with liberals and the left no less jam than Putin – They don't need anymore Russia as an ideological model.
And if the new “pope” of populism, i.e. Donald Trumpdecides to confront Putin and require the same from his allies – the choice will be clear. And maybe only AFD will be able to keep the position of “Middleleman”, which it is successful today Viktor Orbanbecause, as we know, Germany Hands and legs defend themselves from the end of cooperation with Russia in the energy field. But others?
Orbana cake
Let's look at Hungary ruled by Viktor Orban, who until now blocked EU sanctions against Russia. Orban has long used the tactics of the game for all possible fronts, trying at the same time and have a cake and eat them.
Trump, whom, by the way, Orban loves and supported in the dark, even when it was not yet known how American elections will end, now, as the head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs thinks, for example Radosław Sikorskihe could influence Orban to stop blocking European sanctions against Russia. AND Orban softened and with Veta withdrewsatisfying with a vague promise that the EU will not stop negotiating with Ukraine the issue of gas transmission through its territory to European Union.
So we like it or not, Trump can unite the previously divided Europe against Russia. This, of course, the union of “well, we kindly stop digging an old woman and we join the police, because the sheriff changed to one that will turn a blind eye to our embankments”, but always unification.
And it is very possible that the whole cultivation and division of Europe for decades for decades by financing, harassing and kneading populists from the left and right like plasticine – will go to the dog to the kennel. And I wonder if Kremlinalso, after all, preferring Trump as a potential sowing of disagreement in Europe, he predicted such a turn of the situation.
Putin, besides, through his bizarre and in the west of deaf statements, such as those regarding the desire to acquire for the USA Greenland whether the Panama Canal zone and by undermining independence Canadahe gives, almost triumphantly, tools of Russian anti -western propaganda.
“Why the West is allowed and Russia not?”
Pressure on Greenland and Dish They enjoy the Russians, who in this situation can speak without any hesitation: how does the West differ from us, if it also exerts pressure on neighboring countries and wants to appropriate their territories? To the argument “If the West could lead to an independent creation Kosovowhy we are denied the right to create abchazia, northern Ossetia, DNR, DNL and detachment Crimea? “There is one more. If the US has territorial claims to Panama Are Greenland, why can't the Russians have to Ukraine? And then, for example, to the Baltic countries?
Well. These arguments, unfortunately, will be strong, and the West will have to think about how it is, that, as the Russians say, “at the beginning the pindosom lsja and rossiii is not” (why Americans, because it is to them that applies to the disregarding nickname “pindosy”, slow and we are allowed NO). And return to the contemplation of your being. Why, yes, NATO, USA and part of the EU supported the creation of a free Kosovo, and Crimea?
You need to look for answers, of course, in the difference of values professed by both. Kosovo was created to defend the Albanian population by Serbia, which appears from his position, and although, of course, the bill of harm is not zero -one and despite the fact that the Albanians also committed cruelty to Serbs, the Serbs had a definite advantage in this conflict.
Separating Kosovo from Serbia, which is still a movement according to many debatable, but the West was guided by The humanitarian goal, which was to protect Albanians from Serbs. And contrary to their own, as is commonly believed: Albanians are, after all, the population of mostly Muslim, and the last thing that can be accused of the States is that it pays for them to create another Muslim state in Europe in any way.
On the other hand, Putin's occupation was a purely imperial service, he was not intended to protect anyone from anyone, because nobody threatened anyone there, he was only the next stage in the process of “collecting Russian lands”, which he is astonating, as you can see, as you can see, Vladimir Putin. And the alleged persecution of the Russians by Ukrainians was only a media fact created by Russian propaganda.
However, this discussion is going on. And the West, including the Trump administration, wanting to maintain an advantage in it, he will have to remember why “the West is slow and Russia is not”. Why is it good that the West, civilization, what not to say, democratic, based on tolerance, capable of self -criticism and even demonstratively admitting its former offense, He should still act as a world policeman. And the USA is still a “armed arm”, even if Donald Trump in his inaugural speech about the world did not say much, and the purpose of the American armed forces are only protection of US interests.
After all, Ukraine is trying to break free and Georgia. After all, it is still west, and not elsewhere, the largest masses of migrants pull, and although economic issues play the main role here, it is definitely not the only one. This is understood by residents taken over by China And the increasingly murmured Hong Kong, who during the protests against Chinese oppressive power waved the flags Great Britainpreferring greater attachment to the former colonial metropolis than the state with whom they share ethnic identity.
Trump, wanting or not, forced the West to think about what these western values are. And, perhaps, you also slowly discover these values yourself.