Katarzyna Dowbor he likes to talk about children, especially about famous presenterwho works for TVN. However, he rarely talks about the sphere relationships with men. The journalist has three marriages, the second of which raises many questions.
Katarzyna Dowbor and her second husband. There's nothing nice to say about him
The journalist married Janusz Atlas in 1982. This marriage, however, did not stand the test of time, as it formally ended in 1989. Dowbor met her future partner at Radio Trójka, where she gained journalistic experience. “Janusz spotted me in the corridor at Trójka and from the moment he saw me, he was trying to pick me up. But I wasn't interested in him. Ten years older than me, thin, long, not my type,” the journalist recalled in the book “Men of My Life.” “. During the dinner she was also at Monika OlejnikAtlas clearly adored Dowbor. However, he had a certain flaw that emerged after some time, when he was married to a young presenter. “Everywhere together and very close to each other. Then it turned out that during this time Janusz was… sewn up. I didn't know that. I had no idea he had a problem at all. Then it started. (…)
He had no self-control
– she confessed with pain.
Katarzyna Dowbor had a husband with an addiction. He was unbearable
Atlas turned out to be a man with a serious alcohol problem. Dowbor had to help him return home many times. “It wasn't easy, because we were traveling with a toddler. (…) Pushing him into a small car was difficult, and when I managed to do it, Janusz grabbed the steering wheel or honked,” she admitted. Over time, the ex-husband did not hide his addiction and also cheated on his wife. Dowbor added with pain that she was her husband he also raised his hand to her. “He did it for the first and last time. I took a few bits and pieces and left. If a man does it once, it means he will do it again later. The woman cannot agree to this,” she told “Super Express”. Interestingly, Atlas did not want to agree to a divorce at the beginning. Then the situation was changed by her lover… “Janusz declared in court three times that he loved me and would live without me can't. He kept me like that for a year and a half. At that time, he met Hanna BakuÅ‚a and love began between them,” Dowbor added.
Need help?
Are you experiencing domestic violence? Are you looking for help? You can, for example, contact the National Emergency Service for Victims of Domestic Violence “Blue Line”. The free hotline is open 24 hours a day at 800 12 00 02. More information can be found on this page. If there is a threat to life, call the emergency number 112.