The flood situation in the northwest of France is still difficult. The highest warnings apply in three departments. There were many places under water, from which hundreds of people were evacuated. According to forecasts, there will be further rainfall in the coming days, and the top of the flood may only occur in a few days.
The fight against flood has been going on in the northwest of France since last weekend. Intensive rainfall above the region brought an extremely strong one first storm Eowen, and the situation was worsened by another element called Herminia. The biggest floods occurred in Brittany, where many places were found under water.
On Tuesday, red alarms regarding floods apply in three departments: Ille et Vaine, Morhiban and Atlantic Loora. In the most flooded towns, rescuers evacuate residents with motorboats. According to Jean-Luc Chenut, the chairman of the Ille et Vaine Department Council had to leave about 500 people until now.
Dozens of blocked roads
The French media emphasize that this year's floods in the northwest of France have been the worst in several decades. A particularly difficult situation prevails on two rivers: Vilaine and Seiche, on which the water level is higher than during cataclysms in 1966 (Seiche) and 1995 (Vilaine).
The evacuation covered, among others, the towns of Le Pont Rean and Guipry-Messac, where the water broke into many houses. Local firefighters also fight with the effects of a strong wind, which knocked down a lot of trees by blocking dozens of roads in the region. French regions also affect floods, including Normandy and the Loire country. According to the services, the situation in these areas should stabilize.
Evacuation of flooded towns in FranceReuters
Another wave of rainfall
According to forecasts, the next hours will bring rainfall over Brittany, which will again increase their intensity on Wednesday. Meteorological services say that up to 30 liters of water per square meter can fall locally. The downpours will also be accompanied by a strong wind, whose gusts will reach 90 km/h on the coast and 80 km/HW land.
Unstable weather is difficult to estimate the flood peak. According to the authorities of Ille et Vaine, he will take place on Wednesday, in turn the mayor of Rennes, Nathalie Appere claims that this will happen only in 48-72 hours.
Francebleu, Reuters, Meteo France, Meteo Bretagne
Source of the main photo: Reuters