Magdalena Adamowicz, widow of the mayor of Gdańsk, Paweł Adamowicz, who was murdered 6 years ago during the finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, commented on the hate towards the Foundation. “This is proof that there is nothing sacred in the political hatred of Kaczyński and the media enforcers he uses, and it is not even limited to political opponents,” she wrote on the X website.
In Tuesday's entry, Jerzy Owsiak compared “the scam by Telewizja Republika and wPolska24 similar to the manipulations and bait directed at the Mayor of Gdańsk, Mr. Paweł Adamowicz.”
Let us recall that the attack on Paweł Adamowicz took place on January 13, 2019, during the finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. Then Stefan W. entered the stage at Targ Węglowy and stabbed the president of Gdańsk three times. He was arrested on the spot. As a result of his injuries, Adamowicz died in hospital.
Magdalena Adamowicz – the wife of the murdered president of Gdańsk – referred to the hate and threats that appear in connection with the upcoming 33rd Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.
“Six years ago, my husband Paweł Adamowicz was murdered. The Court of Appeal in Gdańsk legally ruled that it was a politically motivated crime. Kaczyński and Kurski were not responsible for the plague of hatred that they unleashed in Poland. A plague that killed not only my husband – hatred Polish-Polish also brought other victims, both known and unnamed. Kaczyński and Kurski did not hold the knife with which Paweł Adamowicz was murdered Kaczyński, Kurski and other sleazy media workers are the voices in the head of my husband's murderer,” she wrote on the X website.
“You don't go to jail for pouring hatred into people's heads, but as long as we as a nation allow anyone to let hatred be their main way of conducting politics, madmen infected with this hatred will grab knives, hounded children will reach for ropes, families will not talk to each other, and we will all be afraid to express our own views. A hunted nation will never be a free nation, she added.
WOŚP settlements
There was a lively discussion on social media and in the public space about financing the WOŚP foundation, spending the collected funds and settling collections. On Tuesday, the head of WOŚP, Jerzy Owsiak, published an entry in which he informed about threats directed against him.
READ ALSO: “If I live to see tomorrow.” Jerzy Owsiak writes about threats, there is a reaction of the services
“The example of hate towards the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity – that is, all of us who every year in a joyful atmosphere collect money for our Polish sick children (and regardless of the amount of health financing, this action will always have great community meaning) – is proof that in Kaczyński's political hatred and the media enforcers he uses have no sanctity, they are not even limited to political opponents. Anyone can be a victim of this hatred,” the widow reacted.
As he claims, “Kaczyński's hatred has one goal: to divide Poles as much as possible, by all means, in every area of our Polish life. Because he knows that on one side of this Polish ditch will be his voters: all those who find an outlet for their life frustrations in this hatred, any failures, anger at anything. Kaczyński is the pope of this evil, because it ensures his political existence – without hatred, he would not be in politics.
“And let each of us ask ourselves whether a politician who cynically feeds solely on bad emotions and fuels them solely to gain and maintain power is worthy of our trust? And are we ready to be co-responsible for the deadly harvest of this hatred?” ” – she added.
Main photo source: Marcin Zielinski/WOŚP