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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Gdańsk. Photovoltaic installation on the roof of the Basilica of St. Brigid

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Pastor of the Basilica of St. Brygidy in Gdańsk installed photovoltaic panels on the roof of the church. He argues that the installation is not visible from below, so it does not storm the “architectural image of the Church”. In addition, the panels are mounted in a safe way. Although the priest has already paid a mandate imposed by the Pomeranian Voivodship Conservator of Monuments, he hopes that the installation will be saved. – Photovoltaic installations on medieval, gothic, historic churches in Gdańsk simply cannot be – comments the spokesman for the conservator

The solar installation is on the roof of the Basilica of St. Brygidy in Gdańsk for 2.5 years. – The parish practically does not pay for electricity, in the minimum only extent in some months, and in some months there are literally phrases, and these are large funds – says about the benefits of Fr. Ludwik Kowalski, parish priest.

He adds that these are profits of PLN 40,000 a year.

However, the Pomeranian Voivodship Conservator of Monuments does not agree to the installation. He has already imposed a fine of PLN 5,000, which the priest regulated. However, he did not download the panels.

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The priest explains that in 1970 the church building was rebuilt “according to new technologies”.

– The attic is brick from the inside, but in the upper part there is a powerful reinforced concrete structure, the roof is metal, with ceramic tiles, so it has been developed by contemporary methods and materials – says Fr. Kowalski. – We decided to install a photovoltaic installation so that this installation serves the health of society, after all, the less burned is coal and we do not breathe the same CO2, these exhaust gases. This serves the good of everyone and each of us – he adds.

You can't see it from below

The priest emphasizes that photovoltaics cannot be seen from the level of the street or pavement.

– On some facilities in Gdańsk, which are entered in the register of monuments, among others, a photovoltaic installation, i.e. two monuments, is also on the building of the Marshal's Office. There is an installation visible from the street position, from the side of the pavement, and here – invisible to the eyes of both the inhabitants of Gdańsk, as well as for tourists, unless from space it is yes, you can take a photo from the drone – says the priest.

He adds that the invisible installation “does not destroy the architectural image of the church of St. Brygida.”

The priest draws attention to the fact that the installation is not visible from the pavement and the streetTvn24

Father Ludwik Kowalski also emphasizes that because of how the roof is rebuilt, the installation is mounted safely.

He explains that he did not liquidate the panels, because he wants to move them to another place when it is possible.

– In 2021 the law entered into force for virtual prosumers. It consists in the fact that the solar installation can be elsewhere, outside the object it powers. And we want, if there is such a dismantling order, so final, final, of course, delineate these Photovoltaic panelswhich – I repeat – are invisible – says the priest.

He adds, however, that the conditions to be met by the power plant have not yet been implemented. – In October 2024 I received a letter from energy in which I was informed that this is not yet possible. The place is already selected, it is prepared for any uninstalling, as you need to transfer this installation, but you have to talk – he says and adds that the transfer may be possible until July 2025.

The panels would be transferred to the plot 40 km behind Gdańsk. However, the priest admits that he hopes that the conservator will change his mind.

“There is no photovoltaic installations on medieval churches”

Mariusz Tymiński, a spokesman for the Pomeranian monument conservator tells us that it is unlikely that the Pomeranian Voivodship Conservator of Monuments would change his mind. He says that many people ask why the panels must be removed, since they cannot be seen from below.

– The answer is very simple, we cannot create a precedent. We had a lot of questions, also from the clergy, whether such photovoltaic installations can be mounted on the roofs of historic churches, as well as questions and applications for assembly, e.g. mobile antennas. We will not create precedents under no circumstances, we cannot agree to such installations on historic buildings, because they disfigure the monument once, and two, as in the case of cellular masts, they are even harmful to monuments, because they weigh a lot and weigh a lot and Sometimes these medieval buildings do not withstand these loads – explains Tymiński.

“Photovoltaic installations on medieval, gothic, historic churches in Gdańsk simply cannot be”27.01 | Gdańsk.Tvn24

He also answered questions about the building of the Marshal's Office, which the priest mentioned.

– These are not double standards. In the case of the basilica, we are dealing with a medieval church, one of the most important monuments in Gdańsk, related not only to the history of Gdańsk, the history of the Brygidka Order, which came here in the Middle Ages, but also with the heritage of Solidarity, and activities Lech Wałęsathe activities of free trade unions and such a precedent cannot be. This installation is visible, it is visible if someone recommends a drone, it is visible from most viewpoints at the starting city.

– The Marshal's Office, the Voivodship Office, are buildings that are not directly entered in the register of monuments, but lie on the border of the area entered in the register of monuments, still – colloquially speaking – they catch this entry in the register, hence these conservation restrictions may be there smaller. The conservator always makes decisions individually in relation to each historic object – adds Tymiński.

He admitted that another control is probably planned in February this year. Tymiński stated that the conservator will probably issue a negative decision again.

– Photovoltaic installations on medieval, gothic, historic churches in Gdańsk simply cannot be – he concluded.

Source of the main photo: Jakub Cichoń/TVN24

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