The Russian invasion of Ukraine began 905 days ago. It is not yet possible to assess whether Ukraine will manage to turn the tide of the conflict with an offensive on Russian territory. However, we are currently witnessing a “colossal change in the course of the war,” said German military expert Carlo Masala of the Bundeswehr University in Munich. Here is what happened in and around Ukraine over the past 24 hours.
> In the Irkutsk region in Russia he crashed Tu-22M3 bomber – propaganda media in Moscow reported on Thursday, citing the Ministry of Defense.
> Administration USA is ready to pass on Ukraine air-to-ground missiles JASSM with a range of 370 km and is already preparing for the transfer, Politico reported. Meanwhile, senators from both parties announced efforts to adopt a new package of funds to support Ukraine before the end of the year.
> Ukrainian forces still They are moving forward in the Kursk region in Russia, but are losing ground in the Donetsk region, where the Russian military is counterattacking and conquering new territories – writes the Politico portal. Ukrainian analysts of the DeepState project reported that the Russians have taken over Donbas two more villages.
> It is not yet possible to assess whether Ukraine will manage to turn the tide of the conflict with an offensive on Russian territory. However, we are currently witnessing a “colossal change in the course of the war,” said German military expert Carlo Masala of the Bundeswehr University in Munich. “The Ukrainians have captured more Russian territory in six days than Russia has captured in Ukraine in the last two to three months,” Masala added, calling it an “impressive achievement.” However, the expert does not believe that the offensive directly threatens Putin's position, because he is shifting responsibility to the governor of Kursk. And Russian military bloggers have focused on the chief of the Russian General Staff. As long as the strategy of shifting responsibility works, “Putin will remain firmly in the saddle,” Masala said.
> The Ukrainian army has created its own military command in the occupied territories of the Kursk region in Russia, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrsky reported. He said that the Ukrainian forces they check currently 1,150 square kilometers of the neighboring region.
> Ukraine's involvement in Africa in the form of support for rebels may result from a calculation that the benefits of acting against Russian interests in Africa outweigh the costs, according to Canadian expert Professor James Horncastle. In the background are also Russia's efforts to undermine support for Ukraine.
> Ukrainian Military Intelligence Project “I Want to Live” he published several recordingswhich are supposed to show Russian soldiers who were taken prisoner during the fighting in Kursk Oblast. “I Want to Live” claims that among the prisoners are soldiers from the 488th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Russian Army and the Chechen unit Akhmat.
> Given to Ukraine by Canada tanks and armoured vehicles may be used on Russian territory, public broadcaster CBC reported, citing a statement from the Canadian Ministry of Defence.