There were coins hidden in a niche in the leg of the sandstone sculptureconstituting part of the epitaph for the countess and the count. The most valuable ones, gold ones, were wrapped in paper and marked as belonging to them church treasury.
The discovery has been made during renovation workswhich was carried out in the church in May 2022, but information on this subject was revealed only in the fall of last year – after detailed research and documentation.
Valuable coins discovered in the church. “It's a miracle they didn't come to light earlier”
Experts suggest that coins they came from fees for special servicessuch as weddings, baptisms and funerals, as well as fees “for seats” in the temple. Moreover, the treasure contains “golden angels”, ducats and silver thalers. – It's a miracle it didn't come to light sooner – comments Ulf Dräger, curator and head of the department at the State Coin Office of Saxony-Anhalt in Germanycited by Live Science.
He adds that specialists will need time to assess treasure value. – But right now I can only say that this is a huge fortune. Much more than a craftsman could earn in a year, estimates Ulf Dräger.
The find has of great historical importance not only for ice life, but also for the entire region Saxony-Anhalt. Detailed scientific research of the coins is currently planned. The researchers' findings will be documented online and in Moritzburg Art Museum in Halle. They will also present their discoveries in church of st. Andrzej.
Source: Jerusalem Post, Life Science