The Institute of the German Economy (IW) conducted a report in which the employment level was diagnosed in the country of our western neighbors from across the border Oder. The conclusions indicate that the Federal Republic of Germany suffers from a shortage of skilled workers.
According to the study, the biggest gap will be among salespeople. In 2027, retail will lack about 37 thousand qualified employees – noted the RND portal.
Germany. Alarming economic report. Skilled workers in the background
From the point of view of IW, especially the pandemic has deepened the labour shortage in trade: shortages are also due to the fact that many workers changed his professional orientation during the coronavirus pandemic, said study author Alexander Burstedde.
Generally, according to IW, in many industries shortages are getting worse. The study shows that in 2027, in various Nursing professionsand also in education and social work there will remain tens of thousands of unfilled positions.
In total, the entire country may then run out of 728 thousand skilled workers – wrote the RND portal.