12-year-old Adela is the heroine of the comic, but her story is based on real stories of small patients and conversations with psycho-oncologists. Jurek Owsiak plays for such children on Sunday. Auction related to Adela is underway at Allegro – the winner will do a performance in the theater.
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity this year is playing for oncology and pediatric hematology. That is why the Iskierka Foundation from Katowice joined the finals, which has been supporting small patients of hospital oncological departments for years.
– Children with cancer and their families are our pupils on a daily basis and we understand their needs well. Therefore, we are very happy to join this year's final and the area of education, sharing our experience and knowledge-says Aneta Klimek-Jędryka, spokeswoman for Iskierka.
The Foundation put up the WOŚP Auction “For the disease”, which was based on the real stories of children struggling with cancer and those who have already managed to recover.
But this is only an addition to the main prize. The victory of the auction will be invited to the Harlequin Puppet Theater in Łódź, which has completed the spectacle based on the comic. It will not be a typical participation as a viewer, but as an assistant to the inspector. So he will enter the stage.
A performance at the Harlequin Puppet Theater based on the comic “o disease”Allegro/ Wosp-Lodz
Inspector – who is that?
What does he do in the theater? He conducts rehearsals, coordinates the actions of the acting team, implementers and technical team. He must know the role of actors, stage movement, light and decorations settings. “The inspector is such a stage manager – he ensures that the performance takes place planned and lasts without interference” – we read at the auction website.
“As part of the auction during the 33rd final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, we invite you to take up the challenge, which is to help our inspector in his duties – during the performance you choose! As part of our special day on Backstage, not only you will watch the performance from behind the backstage, but you will also have the opportunity Cook them! “
Harlequin Puppet Theater in ŁódźAllegro/ Wosp-Lodz
The most uhahane wards in hospitals
The comic “O, disease” was created by a charity in 2021, writer Boguś Janiszewski and Illustrator Maks Skorwedera. The publisher of the book is a children's agora and the Iskierka Foundation. The book is addressed to readers over the age of 9 and in an innovative way takes on a difficult topic of oncological disease.
The heroine is 12 -year -old Adela, who has a dog Pusia, brother Olek and loves dance. One day she appears with her old woman named Chory. It is thanks to her that Adela ceases to taste cocoa, the girl has less and less strength, and finally after a series of research she hears this terrible word on r.
Fragment of the book “O Disease”Iskierka Foundation
But the disease is not her enemy, helps the girl recover. – We wanted to tell about the disease as experience, not something to fight with. It is very important that the young patient accepts his condition and his illness in order to cooperate with her in some sense, follow her and thus strive to recover – said Janiszewski in the Good Morning TVN program about sending the book just before its premiere
The writer admitted that he had never dealt with cancer. He had some ideas about cancer, mostly wrong. He was never even hospitalized. Before he started creating a comic, he visited children's oncological troops and talked to patients. He was afraid of these meetings.
– This fear passed very quickly, because suddenly it turned out that they were the most uhahane troops in hospitals. Life just goes there – he said. – These kids sometimes sit there after a year and a half even, rarely go out on passes, so they have to organize social life. There are friendly there, there are anger, there are pranks, escapes from the ward.
It was small oncological patients who were the first reviewers of the book. They advised that he was taming cancer. The comic was consulted with specialists in the field of psychology, oncology, hematology and awarded many times. The Harlequin Puppet Theater in Łódź in September 2024 made a spectacle based on a book
A performance at the Harlequin Puppet Theater based on the comic “o disease”Allegro/ Wosp_lodz
When the auction ends
Auction “The day on the backstage – become an inspector of the Arlekin Puppet Theater in Łódź” ends on February 1the winner will be able to choose any spectacle that will help to realize.
On the day of the WOŚP final on January 26 at the University Clinical Center prof. K. Gibiński at 14 Medyków Street in Katowice at the stand of the Iskierka Foundation. At 10-16, you will be able to meet, among others, dietitian Katarzyna Stankow, who will share knowledge of healthy nutrition and prepare tasting based on recipes from the Iskierka guides from the Jadzonko series and psychologist Małgorzata Berezaa-Stanisławska, who will tell about where and how to look for support after diagnosis.
Source of the main photo: Allegro/ Wosp_lodz