In recent days, Greek social media has been circulating footage of an Israeli businessman partying at the SantAnna club on the island of Mykonos. The footage, published by Mykonos Live TV, shows the man wrapping himself in an Israeli flag and pouring exclusive champagne over the club's guests, before throwing the bottle with most of its contents into the pool. The aged drink allegedly cost 30,000 euros.
Greece. Scandal on the island of Mykonos. A client left behind an unpaid bill of 70 thousand euros
The recordings have caused quite a stir among local journalists, who link them to tensions in the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Greek daily “Ta Nea” points out that the businessman is having fun at the club while his country is “preparing for war with Iran”. A little later it turned out that the Israeli also left the club without paying the entire bill of 100 thousand euros (approximately 432 thousand zlotys).
Businessman Orders Two Bottles of Champagne for 30,000 Euros, One Ends Up in Water
Local media reports indicate that the businessman opened two bottles of exclusive champagne – each worth 30 thousand euros. He also drank other drinks and ate sushi with his guests. When he left the club, he left only the fee for one bottle of alcohol and 70 thousand euros of unpaid bill. According to information obtained by the local portal Greek Reporter It turns out that the club manager reported the matter to the police, who initiated actions to clarify the incident. The man is to be questioned.