There is no excuse for what he did – this is how judge Marek Urbaniak spoke about a 33 -year -old who brutally beat his mother. The man covered it with a metal tube. The woman managed to reach for pepper spray and call for help. Doctors say it's a miracle that she survived. The woman's son was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The verdict is not final.
In addition, the court awarded 30,000 for physical and mental harm to a woman. PLN compensation. The mother of the accused present at the announcement of the judgment. She admitted that her son did not apologize to her for what he did. – It was a very good child. He developed, founded a private company and repaired motorbikes. His problems began when he started drinking alcohol and taking psychotropics. He stopped working and demanded from me to keep him – said the woman after the announcement of the sentence.
He attacked his mother with a metal pipe
The incident occurred on May 4, 2024 in the Ostrzeszów poviat (Greater Poland) in a small town of near Ostrzeszów. That day after returning from the store after 15 Mother saw that her son was still in bed. I told him to get up. I expressed my anxiety about what was happening to him. I told him to get to work – she reminded. She returned to the car to unpack shopping. The son came to her and attacked her with a metal pipe. He beat her face and head. At one point, the woman managed to pull out pepper spray, which she sprayed towards her son's face and began to call for help. The neighbors came to help called an ambulance and police.
The 33-year-old fled to the forest and hid there all day. The police detained him the next day in an apartment in Ostrów Wielkopolski.
“In the hospital, doctors told me that it was a miracle that I was alive”
The woman suffered head injuries. The experts described them as “constituting a serious damage to health in the form of a disease that really threatens her life.” Their opinion shows that each subsequent blow has repeatedly increased the danger of causing the injured death. “In the hospital, doctors told me that it was a miracle that I was alive,” said the injured woman. The man heard the allegation of attempted murder with a possible intention, for which he has been in prison for 10 years to life imprisonment. He confessed to his mother's attack, but not an objection to attempted murder. He stated that he regrets what he had done.
“The goal was to live on the victim”
The court sentenced the 33-year-old to 15 years in prison and 30,000 PLN compensation for a woman. According to the testimonies of mother and son, their relationships were difficult. According to the court, on the one hand there was a very close bond between them, on the other, the victim required life activity from an adult son, finding a job, fulfilling ordinary daily duties, and above all refraining from using alcohol. According to the court, the accused had a trivial reason to kill his mother. He attacked her only because she blamed him, that he did not do what he had to do. – The attack on her mother was not aimed directly into her life. His direct goal was to live on the victim, unload anger, punish her for what he thought required revenge. In this particular case, killing the victim would be a side effect, which he did not want, but which he agreed. Therefore, the court accepted the qualification of the crime of attempted murder with a possible intention – said judge Urbaniak. He emphasized that there was no excuse for what the accused did. The verdict is not final.
Source of the main photo: Shutterstock