“Hotel Paradise” is one of the most popular reality shows TVN. The program consists of locking participants on a paradise island, they have to face tasks and also pair up to survive until the grand finale. The format has gathered a crowd of viewers and still enjoys huge interest. It is worth adding that it has been consistently hosted by Claudia El Dursi. On August 26, another season of the dating show premiered. Although it has only just begun, it has already delivered a lot of emotions. Recently, there was a mixed paradise hand. In the latest episode, Ola and Kuba buried the hatchet. There's also a new participant who could cause quite a stir. Get the details.
“Hotel Paradise”. Kuba finally broke down. He apologized to Ola. She didn't believe it. “Will you get better?”
Initially, Ola and Kuba returned to their conflict. We remind you that these two were already together, but something went wrong. Recently, they had a bit of a fight, and the participant had a grudge against the man for his behavior. “I don't like your behavior,” Kuba began, seeing the sulking girl. “I don't like yours either,” she said. “Oh, jeez, I'm sorry if I offended you, but why are you acting so strange? You treat me like an enemy. You said you get along with me,” he said. “And I'm telling you, you don't. You're not changing anything, you're just being a jerk. I don't feel like talking now,” she said.
In the morning, however, the situation looked completely different. After a night full of thoughts, Kuba went to Ola. – I have to get out of my comfort zone a bit and apologize to you. It's really not nice behavior, when you insinuate things. But, I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I promise – he said. The participant was clearly surprised. – Will you improve? – she asked. – Yes, I will. I promise you – he assured. Ola undoubtedly did not hide her surprise. In front of the camera, she clearly stated that Kuba impressed her a lot. – Kuba took those words to heart and apologized – she said with a smile on her face. Will this relationship survive without conflicts? We will find out soon. For photos, please visit our gallery at the top of the article.
“Hotel Paradise”. A new contestant has entered the program. Will she cause a stir? She has already broken up one of the couples
Then the gentlemen went on a mystery challenge. They came to a restaurant where they had to choose five dishes for the new contestant. She was then to decide which one she liked the most. The gentlemen puzzled and puzzled. Meanwhile, a long-haired blonde arrived at the restaurant. Ania, living in Canada and doing accounting. The woman stated that she came to the program because she was looking for a “Polish husband”. She would like to have a relationship with a tall, brunette who could play an instrument. Ania, looking at the dishes, stated that she was a fan of simple dishes. In the end, however, she chose the one that she liked the most. It turned out that it belonged to Andrzej, who is in a relationship with Maja. The girls welcomed their new friend warmly. However, they almost immediately began speculating about which of the gentlemen she would like the most. – I think he'll cause a stir, he's the type who'll cause the most trouble here – said Ola. A little later, the host came to the participants and announced that Ania, due to the choice of the dish, was immediately paired with Andrzej, which resulted in Maja becoming single. Are you a fan of “Hotel Paradise”? Premiere episodes of the program can be watched from Monday to Thursday at 8:00 p.m. on TVN7. SEE ALSO: “Hotel Paradise”. The participants had a plan, then El Dursi came in. Everything collapsed.