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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Humniska. More than a year ago, 11-year-old Paweł died on the side of the road. The pavement is still not a priority

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11-year-old Paweł died, and Kuba still treated with trauma after a 78-year-old woman entered the boys in the Humnisks in Podkarpacie in Podkarpackie. The children walked along the side of the road because there is no pavement by the road. Local authorities after the tragedy promised its construction, but they cannot answer when the Uprising is being created. Residents are disappointed: – Despite the tragedy, this matter is not a priority for anyone – they say.

Parents, grandmother and sister of 11-year-old Paweł pass every day a place where the boy died. It was October 11, 2023 after 1pm. The day was beautiful, the sky almost cloudless, the sun was shining. Paweł returned from school with 11 -year -old Kuba and two friends – Michalina and Nikola. Along the way, they joined the local store. Paweł bought a strawberry lollipop, which he threw into the back pocket of the backpack.

The children stood under the store for a while. They talked, laughed. We know this from the recording from the shop camera from Paweł's mother. After a few minutes they moved towards their homes. They crossed the bridge, the church has passed. They continued to walk along the road, along the road, which the locals call “church”. There is no pavement there. The girls followed the boys behind them.

In a moment Paweł was to turn into a side street that leads to his house. He left 100 meters until he had to go, 20. The car arrived from the opposite direction. The girls managed to jump, the boys are not.

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Behind the wheel of Opel Meriva, who drove in two 11-year-olds, sat 78-year-old Stanisław B. The expert determined that she was driving too fast and carelessly, did not brake. The woman was accused of causing a fatal accident. He doesn't plead guilty. She faces up to eight years in prison. The trial in this case takes place before the District Court in Brzozów.

Kuba was at home 150 meters. He survived the accident, the wounded was transported by ambulance to the hospital, where he spent several days. He survived the death of a colleague very hard, he is still under specialist therapeutic and psychiatric care.

Place of the accident where 11-year-old Paweł diedKPP Brzozów

“Fourth in the queue”

The relatives of the deceased Paweł are called “Kościelna” by “the path of death”. There are hundreds of such places throughout Poland. Residents are fighting to improve safety, but the sidewalks are rarely high on the list of local government priorities. A lot of paperwork, and the effect is not very spectacular to show off on Facebook. Often, the construction of postulated for a decade or two pavements only occurs when someone dies due to its lack.

In Humnisks, the locals have been fighting for improving safety on the “church” road for over two decades, where they live. In 2022, the poviat renovated the hole surface. On the occasion of renovation, residents appealed to the authorities for the construction of a pavement. In the hands of the village head in 2022 they petitioned in this matter. But at “Kościelna” nothing happened, and the authorities promised the construction of the pavement only after the tragic death of 11-year-old Paweł.

Read also: They asked, wrote petitions and nothing. “I feel great sadness and anger that in order for this to happen, my son had to die

Residents are fighting for the construction of a pavement by the “Kościelna” road, it is a section of about 600 meters longGoogle Maps

In 2023, the then staroste Brzozów Zdzisław Szmyd promised the residents that the pavement would be built. The mayor of Brzozów, Szymon Stapiński, promised to add to the investment. However, the poviat budget was found only to develop the construction of the pavement. The contractor only delivered it in September 2024.

The poviat already has complete documentation, which is needed for the construction of the pavement, but – as Jacek Adamski, the Brzozów eldership tells us – there is no money for this investment. About PLN 850,000 is needed for this purpose

– We will not bear it ourselves, we have to wait for the city – admits the starost Adamski.

Since 2012, the poviat and the commune have an agreement in which they have lectured in road investments after half the construction costs. And this is also the case with the construction of a pavement at “Kościelna” Street. The city and the poviat must put out over 420 thousand. zloty.

The problem is that the construction of a pavement at “Kościelna” for the Municipal Office in Brzozów is not a priority investment.

– We have a prepared investment schedule, where other sections with high traffic were previously reported. The pavement in Homanniska is fourth in the queue. I am aware that a huge tragedy happened there and there is nothing to discuss, but it is also difficult for us to follow such decisions with emotions. I am the mayor of the entire Brzozów commune, so it's not that one pavement is important and the other is not. They are all important to me. The one in Homanniska is also important, but I can't do so that I will take one task and give it to another. It doesn't work like that. We also have a certain schedule of action and we will work according to it – said the mayor of Brzozów, Szymon Stapiński in an interview with tvn24.pl.

Read also: Pawełek is dead, residents have been fighting for a pavement for years. “It could have been me and my children”

After a tragic accident in which Paweł died on the “church” road, the speed was limited to 30 km/hi, a release threshold was installedMartyna Sokołowska

Staroste Jacek Adamski in an interview with tvn24.pl admitted that the poviat will also be looking for external funds for the construction of a pavement at “Kościelna”. He does not hide, however, that it will not be easy. – The programs are constructed in such a way that investments get funding, at which there are, for example, large housing estates, schools or kindergartens, public institutions, and enterprises. At “Kościelna”, apart from the houses, the church and probably one company, there is nothing. So it may be that we will submit applications for funding, but we will not get this money, and we cannot afford to finance the construction of this pavement in full – admits the staroste.

Sidewalks are to be implemented in turn. The one in Humniska is fourth on the list, and this means that the inhabitants of “Kościelna” Street will have to wait for the construction.

Read also: “Have a nice day, Pawełku” and later “in a black sack they took him”

In the place where the accident occurred, there is no pavement, the children went along the side of the side tvn24.pl

– We know that the eldership is looking for external funds, but we do not have information where to obtain them from. We are bitter and disappointed with the attitude of both offices and the fact that despite the tragedy, the matter is not a priority for anyone. It's about safety, not comfort. We do not ask for the construction of moving stairs, but for a pavement on the section, which – as we already know, is deadly. It is about the right to a sense of security, which is the basic human right – comments Joanna Chrobak -Yaugustyn, a resident of Humnisk in an interview with tvn24.pl.

A place where there was a tragic accident where Paweł died (11/09/2024) tvn24.pl

Barbara Kłyż, mother of the deceased Paweł: – Perhaps if there was a pavement at “Kościelna” Street, my son would live today. It would end with damage to Stanisława B., not Pawełek's death – says the woman. – It is good that the construction of the pavement was finally included in the action plans, maybe it will protect others from the misfortune that happened to us and other children will be safe. And whether we will be the first, fourth or last queue, nothing changes for us. He will not turn back time, he will not return our son, brother's sister, and grandmother's grandson. It will also not affect the change of opinions about people who during their election campaigns said that the family and safety of others are the most important for them. For us, this path will always be the “path of death” by our Pawełek – he adds.

PawełFamily archive

We asked the Poviat Eldership in Brzozów about the construction of pavements in 2025. On January 16, Bogusław Szczepek, an inspector at the Department of Communication, Transport and Roads in the Starosty replied that “the scope of paving investments in poviat roads at the moment was not specified due to the ongoing consultations of the Poviat Board with the municipalities of the Brzozów poviat, which will participate in construction costs pavements “. On January 31, we learned in the starosty that consultations are still ongoing.

Residents still do not feel safe, they want to build a pavement Martyna Sokołowska

Author/author:Martyna Sokołowska

Source of the main photo: tvn24.pl

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