Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will meet with Prime Minister Donald Tusk today, and later with President Andrzej Duda. The head of the Indian government also wants to meet with former Deputy Prime Minister and former Minister of Finance Leszek Balcerowicz, as well as representatives of IT companies and athletes. This is the first visit by an Indian prime minister in 45 years.
The Prime Minister on Wednesday India Narendra Modi arrived in Poland. Prime Minister Modi's visit is taking place in the year of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Poland and India. The previous visit of the head of the Delhi government to Poland took place 45 years ago, when our country was visited by Prime Minister Morarji Desai.
On Thursday, the second day of his stay in Poland, the Indian prime minister has planned political meetings at the highest level. In the morning, he will meet with the prime minister at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. Donald Tuskthere will also be talks between both delegations. In the afternoon, at the Belweder Palace, the head of the Indian government will talk to the president Andrzej Duda.
On the same day – as informed by the Indian ambassador – Prime Minister Modi is also to meet with representatives of Polish companies operating in India – including companies from the IT sector.
He also plans to meet with the captains of the men's and women's Kabaddi teams – one of the oldest and most popular sports in India. The league finals are watched by 100 million viewers. The Poles are the European Champions in this sport, and they also have a win against the World Champions – Iran – during the 2016 World Cup.
Indian Prime Minister to meet with Balcerowicz
Also on Thursday, as the Indian ambassador said, Prime Minister Modi has scheduled a meeting with former Deputy Prime Minister and former Minister of Finance, economist Leszek Balcerowicz.
After his visit to Poland, the Indian Prime Minister will go to Kiev, where he will hold talks with the president on Friday. Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. Modi's office stressed in a statement that the head of government was waiting “for an opportunity to build on earlier talks with President Volodymyr Zelensky on strengthening bilateral cooperation and share perspectives on a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine.” Modi expressed – “as a friend and partner” – hope for “an early restoration of peace and stability in the region.”
This will be the first visit of an Indian prime minister to Ukraine. The meeting of the Indian prime minister with Zelensky will take place just a few weeks after his talks with Vladimir Putin in Moscow. Modi met with dictator Russia in the first half of July – when a Russian missile hit the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kiev. More than 30 people died in the Ukrainian capital then. Zelensky assessed then that Modi's visit to Moscow on such a day and the hugs with Putin were “a great disappointment and a huge blow to the efforts for peace”.
Main image source: X/@narendramodi