Since the prime minister said that such a reconstruction would be, it means that it would be – said in “Facts after the facts” of the Minister of Health Izabela Leszczyna, when asked about the words of Donald Tusk. – Probably a smaller row, i.e. one minister dealing with a larger area, makes sense. The more that we got a lot of chaos after PiS – she assessed.
Prime minister Donald Tusk announced on Tuesday that after the presidential election he would reconstruct his government. He said that “there will be fewer ministers” and “the government will be one of the smaller in Europe.” On the same day, Polish leader 2050 Szymon HoÅ‚ownia He admitted on TVN24 that he had not previously been informed about the prime minister's plans.
When asked whether the reconstruction of the government is a foregone conclusion, the Minister of Health Izabela Leszczyna She replied: – Since the prime minister said that such a reconstruction would be, it means that she would be.
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Minister Leszczyn did not want to “enter the skin of the prime minister” because he has “enough things on his head in his own ministry”. – Probably a smaller row, i.e. one minister dealing with a larger area, makes sense. The more that we got after PiS big chaos – she assessed.
She agreed with the attention that she was “competence chaos”. – Maybe the Ministry of Health, it is uniform, I would say, but whoever deals with the economy is actually difficult to say.
Leszczyna added that “that's why this government is so big” because “everyone had to find their place.” She argued that Donald Tusk was “faithful to the belief that smaller parts must have more space than we as the eldest, greatest sister.”
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The Minister of Health also answered the question of whether she was considering that OM may lose his position during reconstruction. “I don't think the Ministry of Health is something that the prime minister would like to combine now,” Leszczyna said. She added that the prime minister could always exchange at the Ministry of Health. “The prime minister can do even tomorrow,” she said.
– If the Prime Minister decides that there is someone who could better manage this department, then the Prime Minister knows that I am ready to resign immediately – she emphasized. Your over one year of experience as a boss health department She summed up in this way: – It certainly cannot be said that this is the Ministry of Relaxation.