On Tuesday, the prosecutor's office sent an indictment to the court against six people in the case of the Justice Fund and submitted another application to repeal the immunity of PiS MP Marcin Romanowski, who obtained asylum in Hungary. When asked about this, Donald Tusk said that on Monday he wanted to ask Viktor Orban, “how his guest feels”. “But Prime Minister Orban was depressed and it was difficult for me to find him,” he said. Other politicians also commented on this matter.
The prosecutor's office sent an indictment to the District Court in Warsaw To six people, including Father Michał Olszewski, in connection with the case of the Profeto Foundation. As the spokeswoman of the Prosecutor General, prosecutor Anna Adamiak, said on Tuesday, it is one of the threads about irregularities in the Justice Fund.
Adamiak also reported that the prosecutor's office wants to set up PiS MPformer Deputy Minister of Justice Marcin Romanowski, further allegations in the investigation of irregularities in the Justice Fund. Therefore, the Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar On Tuesday, he sent another application to the Sejm to repeal his immunity.
Tusk about Orban: some depressed
During the Tuesday press conference in Warsaw, the prime minister was asked whether the prosecutor's office directing indictments against six people as part of the investigation of the Justice Fund is the success of the prosecutor's office. He was also asked what the plan to download on the stay on Hungary PiS policy Marcin Romanowski to Poland.
Tusk replied that during the Monday informal peak in Brussels “he wanted to ask” the premiere of Hungary Viktor Orban, “how his guest feels”. – But Prime Minister Orban was some depressed and in the lobby it was difficult for me to find him, he avoided direct contact – he said – I do not know what intentions Hungarian hosts of Mr. Romanowski have – added the head of government.
He also emphasized that it is not to comment on whether something is a success of the prosecutor's office or not. – I would prefer that instead of press speculation and cameras with temporary arrests, that as many cases as possible go to the courts as soon as possible. But I will not decide what it means quickly. The prosecutor's office must reliably prepare the material – said Tusk.
He emphasized that the police have been fast, “while the Valid of Justice, and thus the investigation, gathering evidence, the prosecutor's office, is slowly taking place.” “I prefer it to go slowly, but for everything to be Lege Artis, I don't want to make mistakes of its predecessors,” he added.
He also assessed that “Zbigniew Ziobra's chaotic nervousness is related to the fact that more and more people testify in this (justice fund – ed.).”
Kosiniak-Kamysz: Now the role belongs to the courts
Other politicians also commented on this matter on Tuesday. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense WÅ‚adysÅ‚aw Kosiniak-Kamysz He estimated that “it is good” that the prosecutor's office submitted a new application to repeal the immunity of PiS MP Marcin Romanowski and a new indictment. He stated that “now the role belongs to the courts.”
– I think Poles expect an efficient justice system – said the head of the Ministry of National Defense. He added that “the effectiveness of the trial is measured at what time is resolved.” “I think we have a problem with it for many years in Poland,” he said.
He also reminded that the applications to repeal immunity against PiS deputies have been accepted by the Sejm until now, and “some people have renounced, just like Prime Minister Morawiecki”. – This is such a good example often for politicians who could use it – he emphasized.
Kosiniak-Kamysz: Poles expect an efficient dimension of the matterTvn24
Hołownia: This is a good forecast
During the press conference, the presidential candidate Szymon HoÅ‚ownia He was asked whether in connection with the approach to the court of the first indictment regarding the Justice Fund, this case would be resolved. – I hope. I think we are all waiting for it. I would love to finally spend 100 percent of the time in Poland on how to build the mentioned connection to PÅ‚ock, so that people from PÅ‚ock do not go two hours with the hook to Warsaw (…), and not to deal with Mr. Ziobro or Mr. Romanowski – he admitted .
According to him, to achieve this, “consistent policy from the Ministry of Justice” is needed. – Today we only need to lead to a situation in which the state machine will efficiently carry out its tasks and they end up in preparing the indictment. Next, this is the decision of an independent court – he explained. He also added that in his opinion this machine “accelerated”.
He informed that on Tuesday morning the Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar told him about “the receipt of another application, another six allegations against Mr. Romanowski, also with a request for the consent of the Sejm to arrest.” – I hope that here we will actually show ourselves with determination (…). These are of course procedures, it will take a while, but I have the impression that something has started to stand out here and began to happen. And this is a good forecast – said HoÅ‚ownia.
Hołownia: I hope that here we will actually show ourselves with determinationTvn24
Budka: one of the largest scandals of the Third Polish Republic
MPs in the Sejm also referred to the matter. – As you can see, the prosecutor's office works, charges, manages indictments. The scandal related to the improper, unlawful spending of the Justice Fund is one of the largest scandals of the Third Polish Republic. (Zbigniew) Ziobro And his people are completely responsible for what was happening in the Justice Fund, he said Borys Budka (KO).
– Documents, evidence is very strong, because they were already collected partly by the Supreme Audit Office, which showed how this fund was illegally conducted – he added.
Budka: Ziobro and his people are total responsibility for what was happening in the Justice FundTvn24
Cwalina-Åšliwowska: Fast solutions are not always accurate
According to Cwalina -Åšliwowska (Poland 2050 – third way), the appearance of subsequent threads and disclosure of subsequent connections of people related to the Justice Fund well testifies to the prosecutor's office. – Of course, citizens would like quick solutions, but quick solutions are not always accurate and effective – she admitted.
– I think that here it is only necessary to assess the work of the prosecutor's prosecutor, because we see what size this scandal is, how many people were involved in it, related. The prosecutor's office all the time emphasizes that the case is developmental, so we can expect more applications accusing more people – she emphasized.
– It does not matter at the moment where Mr. Marcin Romanowski is. If the prosecutor's office detected new threads and wants to make new allegations, he must re -submit this application to the Speaker of the Sejm to repeal immunity, because he concerns a different scope. This does not connect with the previous application – explained the MP.
– I think that one day this moment will come when Mr. Marcin Romanowski will face the Polish justice dimension and then he will hear the allegations, not 11 allegations, and they will be expanded to include the next, submitted in the next application to the marshal – she added.
Cwalina-Åšliwowska: It doesn't matter at the moment where Mr. Marcin Romanowski is stayingTvn24
Trela: The prosecutor's office does his job, this is not a bakery
– The prosecutor's office is doing his job, it is not a bakery that here and now there will be complete indictments against decision -makers – said MP Tomasz Trela ​​(New left). – We have six people and indictments against these six people. We have another application to repeal immunity for Mr. Romanowski, who escaped to Hungary, because you have to extend the allegations, so I think that in the following days, there will be allegations for political decision -makers, because we are talking about an organized criminal group, and an organized criminal group must have its own hierarchy – he assessed.
Trela: We are talking about an organized criminal group, and an organized criminal group must have its hierarchy
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