Karol Nawrocki repeats the slogan about “eco-terror” and promises to fight the Green Deal. However, PiS presidential candidate Janusz Wojciechowski, the PiS commissioner of agriculture, does not mention the role played in promoting the Green Deal. Similarly, he does not mention that the assumptions of the Green Deal were criticized in the European Parliament by Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
Karol Nawrocki often talks about the alleged “eco-terror” caused by the European Union. He also often talks about rejecting this “eco-terror”. – No to the Green Deal. This project must be thrown into the trash bin, he thundered during one of his meetings with voters.
The PiS presidential candidate calls the Green Deal “eco-terror”, but Karol Nawrocki does not mention the fact that it was a PiS commissioner who advertised the Green Deal. Janusz Wojciechowski, then Commissioner for Agriculture, called the Green Deal “a great opportunity for agriculture in Poland, especially for small and medium-sized farms.”
– A campaign based on lies. Nawrocki's program is one big lie. This is creeping hypocrisy – says Mariusz Witczak, MP from the Civic Coalition.
– Unless JarosÅ‚aw KaczyÅ„ski tells him: Karol, from today you say that the Green Deal is good. It will be Karol Nawrocki who will change his mind and say that the Green Deal is good. A bit like JarosÅ‚aw KaczyÅ„ski's pilot candidate. Number one is lying, number two is lying, number three is lying – says Tomasz Trela, MP of the Left.
The PiS candidate promises to fight the Green Deal, and PiS commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski wrote in 2021 that the “green” reform of the Common Agricultural Policy “was created in Warsaw and was first called the PiS agricultural program.” JarosÅ‚aw KaczyÅ„ski nevertheless says that the Green Deal is not PiS. – As a whole, as a great mechanism of economic change, we have never supported or supported it – comments the president of Law and Justice.
Karol Nawrocki at the PiS headquarters during a meeting of the party leadership
The Prime Minister criticizes the Green Deal
Karol Nawrocki has a problem because the assumptions of the Green Deal in the European Union are criticized by Donald Tusk. Today, Poland holds the presidency of the EU Council. – We have to stop thinking that we will force various decisions, including those related to climate, with orders, bans and financial burdens, because, as I said, people will turn away from us. And in a moment, people will choose those who have absolutely no intention of caring for the environment and the climate, said the Polish head of government.
Two years ago, Zbigniew Ziobro accused Donald Tusk of favoring climate policy, but Tusk was not in power then. The government was led by Mateusz Morawiecki, whom his own minister, Zbigniew Ziobro, accused of tightening climate policy and high prices.
The government and Prime Minister Donald Tusk have now become the leading critics of the unrealistic and expensive assumptions of the Green Deal in the European Union. – If we go bankrupt, no one will care about the natural environment in the world, pointed out Donald Tusk.
Karol Nawrocki tries not to associate Law and Justice with the Green Deal and not to associate himself with PiS, and although he was nominated by Jarosław Kaczyński, he argues that he is a civic candidate.