Karol Nawrocki was to occupy a luxury apartment for almost 200 days at the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, five kilometers away from his home. The PiS candidate for president referred to the case on Wednesday in Zakopane. Now Miiwś has issued a statement in which he refers to the statements of Nawrocki. The museum representatives point out that this is not a “attack”.
The Museum of World War II referred to Karol Nawrocki from Wednesday during a press conference in Zakopane. Candidate PIS He answered the president about questions about his free accommodation at the Museum of World War II, when he was still the director of the institution.
As we read in the letter sent to us, “it is not true that apartments and guest rooms located in the museum building were created as flats intended for the previous management. Neither the director of Prof. Paweł Machcewicz, nor any of his deputies, spent even a day in these rooms.”
Miiwś reported that it is not true that Karol Nawrocki was to decide to provide available apartments and rooms for commercial purposes. The apartments were planned for rent already at the design stage of the museum building.
“The profits from their rental were to supply the budget of the institution and reduce the costs of organized events by providing rooms with guests (speakers, historians, artists, museologists)” – we read.
Karol Nawrocki does not explain why he needed a Deluxe apartment. “He slept at the expense of the Polish taxpayer”Jakub Sobieniowski/Fakty TVN
“He blocked the Deluxe apartment for a total of 200 days”
The museum added that it is also not true that throughout the entire period of pandemic apartments and rooms in the building of the museum remained excluded from use.
“In accordance with the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of March 31, 2020 on establishing specific restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the occurrence of the state of the epidemic, the total closure of the hotels took place on April 1, 2020, and from May 5, 2020 they could take guests again. The total closure lasted 36 days.
The museum added that Karol Nawrocki “blocked the Deluxe apartment for a total of 200 days”. Among the 15 reservations he made, 10 ten -day or shorter and 5 for a period longer than 10 days were recorded. The latter took place on the following dates: 08/08/2020–30.08.2020, 04.10.2020–01.11.2020, 01/11/2020–12.11.2020, 12.11.2020–04.12.2020, 28.12.2020–01.04.2021 ..
“In the given periods, the apartment could not be available to other people. This is in contradiction with the claim of Karol Nawrocki, who at the conference in Zakopane said:” I have never lived there in a string than 10 days ” – noted.
“There is no need” to use the apartment for business purposes
Karol Nawrocki said in Zakopane that during Pandemia he had quarantine twice in the apartment. The museum claims that the documentation shows that it was only once and it lasted 10 days.
“Our surprise also raises the statement of Karol Nawrocki, regarding business meetings, which he made in the museum apartment belonging to the complex. To use guest apartments and rooms for such purposes, “we read in a statement.
“Karol Nawrocki maintains that he was occupying the Deluxe apartment in order to fulfill his official duties. Meanwhile, he was at his disposal for 16 days of his vacation, so at a time when he did not provide work” – adds the management.
The museum emphasizes that he does not intentionally attack Karol Nawrocki.
“The Museum of World War II, acting on the basis of the Act of 6 September 2001 on access to public information, is obliged to answer the questions addressed to it. made available in response to journalists' questions ” – summed up the management.
Questions about accommodation Karol Nawrocki in MiiwśTvn24
Free accommodation Karol Nawrocki
The statement sent on Friday by the authorities of the Museum of the Second World War concerns the findings of “Gazeta Wyborcza” which wrote that Karol Nawrocki as the director of Miiwś (in 2017-2021) used the Deluxe apartment for over half a year In the museum hotel complex, although he lives only 5 km from him.
Read also: Karol Nawrocki with a luxurious apartment: I used it to conduct dynamic international policy
According to Miiwś, Nawrocki was in the apartment for 200 days. For such a period, the customer would have to pay over PLN 120,000. Over PLN 25,000 would come out after employee discounts.
On Friday, at a press conference in the Sejm, Politicians of the Civic Coalition informed that they had notified the prosecutor's office regarding the use by Nawrocki from the apartments in Miiwś. Members of the PiS Settlement Team signed the application.
Chairman of the Team, Roman Giertych He emphasized that he gave the President of the Republic of Poland to the PiS presidential candidate, the chance to purify the charges against him.
Source of the main photo: Tvn24