On January 10, the media circulated disturbing information about the family Piotr Kraśka. The journalist's youngest child, Laura, was taken to hospitalbut so far little was known about the eight-year-old's health. Karolina Ferenstein-Kraśko However, she calmed down the fans and said that her daughter had already left the hospital.
Karolina Ferenstein-Kraśko has new news about her daughter's health. “She's weak and skinny”
According to the latest information provided by Laura's parents, the girl's condition has improved. “This year really started very badly for us! Larcik is already feeling better, and it has changed absolutely everything for me!” – wrote Karolina Ferenstein-Kraśko on Instagram. In the next entry, Piotr Kraśka's wife said that their daughter was already at home with them. We also know how Laura feels. “They released us from the hospital. Lara is weak and skinny“, but smiling and optimistic,” wrote the wife of the “Fakty” journalist on InstaStories TVN“. Ferenstein-Kraśko does not hide that the last few days have taught her a lot and from now on she looks into the future with optimism. “I take over from her [córki – przyp. red] a childlike faith that each day will bring only good things or things that we can cope with despite adversities! I'm starting 2025 without the first two weeks. It will only get better from now on. Thank you very much for your words of encouragement and wishes for recovery – she signed a photo from the hospital. You will find them in our gallery at the top of the page.
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Karolina Ferenstein-Kraśko sent from the hospital. She thanked Owsiak and WOŚP
During her stay in the hospital, Karolina Ferenstein-Kraśko published a photo showing the couple's daughter, who is connected to a drip. This moment provoked the girl's mother to thank Jerzy Owsiak. “Fortunately, we have excellent care in our hospitals and we can always count on the help of the WOŚP foundation. Always, until the end of the world and one day longer,” we read on Instagram.