– Shame on Jarosław Kaczyński. He should waive this immunity – said KO MEP Krzysztof Brejza in “Fakty po Faktach” on TVN24. – Behind the face of a nice old man there is actually contempt for people, contempt for the law and aggression – he said. – There should be no doubt that Mr. Jarosław Kaczyński should explain this matter to the court – said PSL MP Urszula Pasławska.
Parliamentary regulations committee She supported holding PiS MPs, including Jarosław Kaczyński, accountablefor, among others, destruction of a wreath during the monthly anniversary celebration Smolensk disaster. The committee also supported the lifting of the immunity of the PiS president in connection with the accusation of beating an activist.
“Shame on Jarosław Kaczyński. He should give up this immunity.”
– I think that if such a situation had happened during the PiS era and such destruction had simply been caused by a citizen, he would have been held responsible very quickly – commented Urszula Pasławska, vice-president of PSL. – We are not a court, we do not judge. We simply decide who will have to explain it. There should be no doubt here that Mr Jarosław Kaczyński he should explain this matter to the court, she said.
She added, quoting the words Zbigniew Ziobrothat “there are no sacred cows”. – Kaczyński's immunity should be revoked, he should be held accountable for this offense – she noted.
Pasławska: Jarosław Kaczyński should explain this matter to the courtTVN24
Brejza: behind the face of a nice old man there is contempt for man
– Didn't Jarosław Kaczyński sometimes declare that immunities should be abolished? A year ago, two years ago? After all, he was the opponent of immunities – recalled Krzysztof Brejza.
– Shame on Jarosław Kaczyński. He should waive this immunity, he said. According to him, Jarosław Kaczyński is “a man who has aggression in him.” – Behind the face of a nice old man there is actually contempt for people, contempt for the law and aggression – he said.
Brejza about Nawrocki: A nightmare carnival ball. We are dealing with a masquerade
The guests of “Fakty po Faktach” also talked about the report on relationships Karol NawrockiPiS candidate for president, with a criminal and neo-Nazi environment.
According to Pasławska, “the most interesting thread is who prepared this report.” She suggested that they could have been people from PiS. – Who will benefit from this? The one who will perhaps replace Mr. Nawrocki's candidacy – she said. In her opinion, “this is clearly a game within the framework of Law and Justice.”
Karol Nawrocki PAP/Jarek Praszkiewicz
– Nasty stories follow Mr. Nawrocki. This is only the first stage of revealing this story, his connections in Gdańsk with various people and criminal circles – said Brejza. In his opinion, it is a “nightmare carnival ball, where we are dealing with a masquerade.” – Alleged citizenship, tricking this man, giving away the PiS party infrastructure just to turn him into someone he is not – said the KO MEP.
– These masks will fall off these faces very quickly. The mask will be the first to fall off Mr. Nawrocki's face – he added.
Pasławska about Ziobro's “evasions”. Brejza: there will be more such calls
On Tuesday, the Parliamentary Rules Committee voted in favor of the motion to consent to the detention and detention of the former Minister of Justice, PiS MP Zbigniew Ziobro. before the Pegasus investigative commission. Now the proposal will be debated by the Sejm.
– Of course he (Ziobro – ed.) will go before the Pegasus commission – assured Krzysztof Brejza. – If Mr. Ziobro behaves like this (he avoids appearing before the committee – editor), it is because he knows what he did in the Pegasus case – said the MEP.
According to him, Ziobro “built, signed and controlled the mafia system.” – Thieves upon thieves. It was all about stealing and spreading corruption. Ziobro's prosecutor's office was supposed to be a protective umbrella and now Mr. Ziobro must appear and tell everyone about it. Just in the Pegasus thread, but there will be more such calls because we, as a coalition, have restored the concepts of law and justice – noted Brejza.
– These are avoidances, at least recently, when an expert opinion on the health of Mr. Zbigniew Ziobro appeared – Pasławska said. – I think that he will eventually be questioned as a witness – she added.
Main photo source: Leszek Szymański/PAP