Baltic tigers “unhook” from Russia: It has been scheduled for Saturday Disconnecting the Baltic countries from the Russian BRLL system. Energy networks of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will be synchronized with European systems. Among others For this reason, he moved to the patrol Polish power helicopter (PSE).
PSE helicopter in action: The operator of the Polish PSE transmission system conducted Litpol Link connection inspection between Poland and Lithuania. Lithuanian energy operator Litgrid said that It was carried out with a helicopter. – Polish equipment not only allows you to assess the condition of the line in detail, but also allows you to quickly detect unusual activities – said the head of Litgrid, Rokas Masiulis, quoted in the press release.
Helicopters and drones: – Infrastructure protection is a priority for PSE. The company has its own helicopters and droneswhich significantly facilitate monitoring of lines and stations (…). Due to the tense geopolitical situation in Europe, the company also has plans for additional strengthening of its own technical resources related to physical protection of transmission devices – said PSE president Grzegorz Onichimowski.
What about electricity prices? Since the rapid growth of the economic growth of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the years 2001–2002, These countries are referred to as the Baltic Tigers. The Minister of Energy Lithuania recently assured that detachment from the post -Soviet energy system It will not affect electricity prices in this country. It is also not expected that during this breakthrough traffic there are interruptions in the supply of electricity. However, if this happened, energy warehouses will be used. Lithuania has not bought electricity from Russia or Belarus for over a year.
Lithuanian Olita and Polish Ełk: During the patrol flight of the PSE helicopter, on the board of which there was specialized equipment, it was evaluated Litpol Link infrastructure condition. It is through this line between the Lithuanian Olita and Polish Ełk will stay Synchronized electricity networks of the Baltic countries with Western Europe. Therefore, a few weeks ago, the authorities in Vilnius strengthened the protection of the necessary objects that are part Lithuanian critical infrastructure.
See also: Negative energy prices in Europe. What about Poland? More on this subject in the text “Negative electricity prices in Europe. A new record was broken. How did Poland come out?”.