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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Marcin, about the departure of Jacek Siewiera from the function of the head of the BBN

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The time of the functioning of Minister Jacek Siewiera in the Presidential Palace is slowly coming to an end – said PiS MP Marcin on Saturday at RMF FM. We reported that the head of the National Security Bureau is to give up his position on tvn24.pl on Friday.

Jacek Siewiera has been the head of the National Security Bureau since October 2022. He was appointed for this position by the President Andrzej Duda. As Arlet Zalewska (“Facts” of TVN) and Robert ZieliÅ„ski (tvn24.pl), Siewiera may leave the position before the May election and before the end of the term of office and before the end of the term of office of President Andrzej Duda. We informed about it on tvn24.pl on Friday.

Read more: Unofficially: Jacek Siewiera wants to leave the BBN

Jacek SiewieraPAP/Marcin Obara

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“The functioning of Minister Siewierza in the Presidential Palace is slowly coming to an end”

He referred to these reports on Saturday PiS MP Marcin. – I know from my sources that the time of the functioning of Minister Siewierza in the Presidential Palace is slowly coming to an end – he said in an interview on RMF FM.

When asked what happened, he answered that there were two possibilities. – Either the employee does not want to perform this function anymore, or – which in my opinion is more likely – the employer decided that a certain formula of cooperation is exhausting and will offer this function to someone else – he said.

Sowing for Nawrocki? Come on: This music has already passed

The MP denied that the sowing would replace Karol Nawrocki as a presidential candidate on behalf of PiS. – We have a great candidate. I do not think, honestly, that Jacek Siewiera may return to the candidates' stock exchange. This music has already passed – he said.

Source of the main photo: PAP/Paweł Supernak

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