145 thousand euros. This was the highest amount for which a horse was auctioned during last year's Pride of Poland auction. This is the mare Zigi Zana from the Michałów Stud (Lubelskie). However, to this day the buyer has not paid. According to Jerzy Białobok, vice-president of the stud, the matter will be finalized.
“The mare will not be released by the Michałów Stud Farm until the payment is settled, and the issue of interest is under analysis,” we read in a statement available on the website of the National Center for Agricultural Support.
This is about the mare Zigi Zana, which was auctioned in August last year for PLN 145,000. euro as part of LV Pride of Poland 2024. This was the highest amount (a total of 10 horses were sold for almost EUR 640,000) obtained at auction.
Zigi Zana's mare KOWR
All paid except one buyer
– However, we have an assurance from the stud farm that the matter will be finalized soon – KOWR employees inform us.
Family and health reasons
This is confirmed by Jerzy Białobok, vice-president of the stud. – The mare was bought by a Belgian intermediary who has auctioned many horses in recent years. The end customer, however, is a buyer from Saudi Arabia who, as he told me in December, was unable to complete the transaction due to family and health reasons, explains the vice president.
They could only release the mare in December
He adds that the buyer remains willing to pay for the mare. – I promise it will happen soon. We will not charge interest because we could have released the horse not in August, but only in December. Previously, the mare had a foal with her, and then she had to get rid of the milk, he says.
The French buyer from over two years ago has not paid to this day
– But it was a different situation then. One could immediately suspect that the buyer was an unreliable person, notes Białobok.
Main photo source: KOWR