On air at the beginning of November TVN they came back loved by the viewers “Millionaires“. The game show did not appear in the autumn schedule immediately, because it was replaced by the reality show “B&B Love”. We have already had a dozen or so exciting episodes. There was also a jackpot, but the millionaire question really surprised the show's fans because they considered it too trivial. You can read more about it at the bottom of the page. In the last episode of the show, Wojciech from Warsaw took part in the game. When asking for PLN 20,000, he had a serious dilemma and used all the lifelines help, he was unable to answer the question correctly. See what he had such a big problem with and if you would know the correct answer. This time, Kamil from Kluczbork faced the questions.
“Millionaires”. He trusted his intuition, even though he still had two lifelines
In the 761st episode of “Millionaires”, the game was started by Kamil Walczak Kluczborka, who studies cultural studies in Krakow. The beginning of the game went exceptionally smoothly. Before the break player he heard the question for 10 thousand zlotys. He admitted that although he could decipher what chemical it was, he had no idea what the correct answer was. The player had two more lifebuoys at his disposal, half and half and a telephone number friendbut he found that they would not help him much and decided to follow his intuition. He chose answer “B”. Do you know what the correct answer is?
SiO2 is a chemical compound that gives its name to:
- A: cyanobacteria
- B: diatoms
- C: brown algae
- D: red algae
This time the player took the right risk. He chose the correct answer and could move on to the next stage of the game.
READ MORE: “Millionaires”. “If white koludzka and oatmeal, then…”. The prosecutor had to use a lifeline
“Millionaires”. Marek from Piaseczno won a million! Viewers are outraged by the level of the question
The new season of “Millionaires” has just started and the million-dollar question has already been asked. He heard them in the episode Mr. Marek from Piaseczno. The question was as follows: The structure of the digestive system of which animal proves that it is a predator? Hubert UrbaÅ„ski he read four answer options: A. Lama, B. Koala, C. Panda, D. Roe deer. The player thought about the answer for a moment, but after a short analysis he chose option “C”. This is how the participant became the happy owner of one million zlotys. How did the show's viewers react to the win? Fans of the program did not hide their outrage. They felt that the main prize question was far too trivial. For some Internet users, the answer was obvious. “After all, it was a very simple question,” “But easy is the millionth question,” we read on Facebook. You can read more here: “Millionaires”. Was the million dollar question trivial? Fans do not hide their outrage