Poland is currently the undisputed growth leader in the European Union, said Minister of Finance Andrzej Domański in an interview with TVN24. As he said, external risks should not be underestimated, but our economy is “strong and very resistant to external shocks.”
Finance Minister Andrzej Domański, in an interview with TVN24 during the World Economic Forum in Davos, emphasized that the forecasts for 2025 “look very good”. – For me, it is very important that there will be more of these engines of economic growth in 2025, because we see a significant acceleration of investments.
When asked whether the difficult economic situation, at least among our German neighbors, would backfire on Poland, he said that “our economy is strong and very resistant to so-called external shocks.” – We have growing investments, for example in connection with funds from the KPO. We invest huge amounts in railway, road and energy infrastructure. All this drives and will drive the economy in 2025, he said.
– These external threats actually exist. We see that economic growth in euro zone is very, very poor, which is also a problem for the Polish economy, because our exports suffer from it. Nevertheless, our forecasts, those of the Ministry of Finance, are even more optimistic than what the International Monetary Fund said a few days ago. We expect the growth rate of the Polish economy to be almost 4% this year. (compared to 3.5% according to the IMF – ed.) Of course, we never underestimate external risks. And we also talked about it yesterday and the day before yesterday with the finance ministers of the EU Member States, that we need to make the European economy even stronger, for example by deregulation and fighting to lower energy prices – he said.
“We are able to take a big step forward”
Domański emphasized that the response to political tensions, for example related to the turn of… USArequires a “coherent and common response.” – Secondly, we must focus on building the strength of the European economy, on simplifying European law, and on fighting certain absurdities that have unfortunately crept into this law in recent years – he emphasized.
– And of course, I will say it again, lowering energy prices. European industry, the industry of the euro zone countries, for example German Whether Franceto regain competitiveness, it must have lower energy prices. That is why the day before yesterday we talked with the finance ministers of the Member States about our ideas, for example about increased investments in interconnectors, i.e. in connections between countries, about increased investments in transmission networks and energy storage facilities. We also discussed the so-called capacity market, which must be constructed in such a way as to enable countries such as Poland to invest, for example, in nuclear energy. These are very important challenges that the European economy faces, but I am absolutely convinced that during the Polish presidency we are able to take a very big step forward – said the head of the Ministry of Finance.
– My conversations here in Davos clearly show that Poland is and will be an attractive place for investment. (…) For economic growth in Poland to be long-term and stable, we must have more of these engines driving our economy – he concluded.
Main photo source: PAP/Wiktor Dąbkowski