Big tax audit. KAS: Nearly PLN 5 billion spent uneconomically
Nearly one hundred notifications to the prosecutor's office regarding mismanagement with a total amount of nearly PLN 5 billion – this is the result of the National Tax Administration's audits on the management of public funds over the last eight years. The notifications concern former ministers, key officials, as well as foundation authorities and private entities.
Information about the appearance of agents of the Central Anticorruption Bureau at the headquarters of the Lux Veritatis foundation circulated in the most important Polish media in the first days of December last year.
The officers were looking for documents related to subsidies given to an entity related to Tadeusz Rydzyk he provided Piotr Glińskiformer Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture and National Heritage.
But – as few people know – the CBA's visit was the result of the work of inspectors from the National Tax Administration, who notified the Regional Prosecutor's Office in Rzeszów of their findings, and the latter initiated an investigation based on the information collected by the National Tax Administration.
CBA agents entered Rydzyk's father's foundation “as part of an investigation into irregularities”Jacek Tacik/Fakty TVN
Total audit
In this particular case, it was the work of auditors from the Tax Administration Chamber in Warsaw. But similar teams work in chambers operating in all voivodeships; in total, about two hundred specialists worked on audits.
– I believe that for us, controlling how public money is spent is as important a task as collecting taxes – an official from the treasury department at the Ministry of Finance tells
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