On Thursday, August 29, the National Electoral Commission rejected the financial report the Law and Justice electoral committee from the last parliamentary campaign. In total PIS will lose about PLN 57 million. The party will be deprived of subsidies until the end of the term, i.e. until 2027. On the other hand, the subsidy for PiS will be reduced by PLN 10 million to PLN 28 million.
The National Electoral Commission rejected PiS's financial report
The National Electoral Commission accused the PiS committee of irregularities in financing the election campaign in the amount of PLN 3.6 million, and according to the website's findings eye.press It turns out that this concerns at least three expenses from public funds. The first expense is supposed to concern a short film by Zbigniew Ziobro, in which he announced changes to the Penal Code and praised the state's policy on security. The second issue is supposed to concern the expense for events for seniors, which were promoted in Poznań by Jadwiga Emilewicz under the slogan of popularizing Nordic Walking. The last issue is to concern two of the 67 picnics Ministry of National Defense Mariusz B³aszczak under the slogan “Strong White and Red”, where PiS candidates promoted themselves.
According to the report of Minister Adam Bodnar, the cost of Ziobro's video exceeded PLN 2.6 million, of which PLN 2.5 million was spent on publishing the video on national television and promoting the material on the web. In turn, the campaign promoting Emilewicz's candidacy, according to Michał Szczerba, cost PLN 25.5 thousand and was financed by the Kostrzyn-Słubice Economic Zone SA
Mariusz Błaszczak: PiS will appeal against the National Electoral Commission's decision
The PiS party is losing money due to the way it finances its election campaign, something that representatives of the former party have repeatedly accused it of. opposition. The resolution of the National Electoral Commission may be appealed to the Supreme Court within 14 days. Mariusz Błaszczak, chairman of the PiS Political Committee, has already announced that the party will appeal the decision of the National Electoral Commission.