Lawyers have reservations about the start date of the election campaign and it is not known whether it will formally start on January 8, but the date of the presidential elections in 2025 will be announced on that day, assured Szymon Hołownia.
The Marshal of the Sejm was asked at the conference about the date of the official start of the presidential election campaign. A few days ago announced that it will start on January 8. However, some lawyers have some reservations about this date. They argue that the Marshal should postpone the announcement of the presidential elections (i.e. the start of the campaign) until the deadline has passed. 90 days from the end of the state of emergency introduced due to the floods. That would be January 15th. Opinions on this subject are divided among experts. They themselves point out that the case is unresolved.
This was noticed by the Konkret24 portal, which discussed these dates with experts.
READ MORE ON KONKRET24: Hołownia plans to start the election campaign on January 8. There is a problem
Hołownia: We will definitely know the election date on January 8
Hołownia said on Thursday that he “knows” about the emerging doubts. – We are investigating this case – he assured, adding that “opinions here, as is usually the case with lawyers, are strongly divided.” – It seems that at the moment – yesterday I also talked about it with the director (of the Marshal's office, Stanisław – ed.) Zakrzyczymski – we are safely certain that there will be no doubts that it will be possible to call these elections on January 8 (January – ed.). – he said.
– If it turns out (…) that it will have to be done on January 15 (January – ed.), because in fact there is a difference, then it will be done. But I will also keep my promise and I will say on January 8 what the election date will be, he said, also informing that another meeting regarding the date of calling the presidential elections is planned for next week.
Hołownia assured that “even if it turns out that due to some extreme procedural caution we will have to wait another week, we will wait.” – We have requested a lot of opinions on this matter – he emphasized.
– We will definitely know the election date on January 8 (January – editor), he promised.
Main photo source: PAP/Rafał Guz