Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced that after the presidential election a government reconstruction project would be presented. – It will be a system change, there will be fewer ministers, the government will be one of the smallest in Europe – said the head of government. Polish leader 2050 Szymon Hołownia referred to the prime minister's announcement in “Facts after Facts”. – There will be no change in this government without our consent – he emphasized.
Tusk, when asked at a press conference, whether after the presidential election a reconstruction of the government would be carried out, he pointed out that several ministers of his government had previously mentioned that they were expecting it.
He announced that the government reconstruction project would be presented after the election and would require the acceptance of the new president. – It will be a systemic change. We will have not one of the largest governments in Europe, only one of the smallest governments in Europe when it comes to the government's structure – he said.
Read also: Tusk's government after a year. “The most numerous in history”? And yes and not
Tusk: The reconstruction will be associated with personal consequences
The head of government pointed out that the reconstruction will be associated with “obvious personal consequences”, but “no, that someone will fly out as a punishment, only there will be fewer ministers.” – I do not know if those who talk about it loudly, publicly report to this reconstruction as authors or victims, but we will see it after June – added Tusk.
Hołownia: There will be no change in the government without our consent
The Polish leader 2050 was asked about the prime minister's announcement in “Facts after Facts”. Szymon Hołownia He admitted that he was not informed about the government reconstruction plan. – I didn't know. I don't know if there is a change plan (…). There will be no change in this government, in this coalition, without our consent, and this is also obvious to everyone – Hołownia declared.
– The prime minister after these 15 months, or in a moment more, the functioning of the government has the right to assess how effective the mechanism we also found after PiS And we entered some shoes, because we wanted to immediately move with changes in Poland – he said. He added that he understood the prime minister's message in such a way that “certain things are to be arranged differently”. – The economy is scattered after six ministries, it must in my opinion change to make it more effective – he said.
– Only I understand – because this is the essence of coalition rule – that all coalition partners decide about it (…). We all want this government to be well rated, because we have its people there, and that it would be effective – emphasized Szymon Hołownia.
Hołownia: There will be no change in the government without our consentTvn24
Last government reconstruction
The presidential election will take place on May 18. Their possible second round will be carried out on June 1.
The fact that after the presidential election there will be a reconstruction of the government, which “probably will probably be strong” said on Monday the deputy prime minister, minister of digitization Krzysztof Gawkowski (Left). He assessed on Radio ZET that after the presidential election, the prime minister “would plan thicker changes” and not only personnel, but also in the government's structure when it comes to the number of ministries – finally some ministries may be combined.
The last deeper reconstruction of the government (apart from the establishment of new ministers in place of the outgoing) occurred in May last year in connection with the start of ministers in elections and obtaining a mandate in the European Parliament. Tomasz Siemoniak replaced Marcin Kierwiński as the Minister of the Interior and Administration, Hanna Wróblewska stood instead of Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz – at the head of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Jakub Jaworowski became the new minister of state assets, replacing Borys Budka. Krzysztof Paszyk became the Minister of Development and Technology for Krzysztof Hetman.
Source of the main photo: Piotr Nowak/PAP