The son was banned from driving for life, but he got behind the wheel anyway. His father provided him with a vehicle, even though he shouldn't have. According to the police, the men switched places when the 33-year-old's dangerous driving attracted the attention of other drivers.
The Pruszków police determined that the men were returning from the stock exchange and the car was driven by a 33-year-old driver. His dangerous driving style caught the attention of other drivers. Among other things, the man allegedly forced others to brake suddenly, which raised suspicions that he might be drunk.
– Other drivers informed the police about their suspicions. Another aggravating factor was the sudden stopping of the vehicle and the driver and passenger changing seats. In the new configuration, they continued driving together to the town of Janki, where the police patrol took action – says staff aspirant Monika Orlik from the District Police Headquarters in Pruszków.
Father and son facing charges
The police findings and the evidence collected in the case allowed the father and son to be charged.
– A 69-year-old man provided his vehicle to a person who does not have a driving license. This is punishable by imprisonment of up to two years. The 33-year-old was charged with violating a lifelong driving ban, which was imposed on him by the court in 2022, the policewoman points out.
Violating a court driving ban is punishable by up to five years in prison.
The case is supervised by the District Prosecutor's Office in Pruszków.
Author: kk/tok
Main photo source: Darek Delmanowicz/PAP