Due to the poor air quality, the government security center (RCB) decided to issue a smog alert. The warning is in force in Opole. Experts appealed to limit the outdoor stay and giving up the ventilation of rooms.
“Note! Today 04.02 bad air quality (PM10, smog). Avoid external activity and ventilation of the apartment” – RCB alert about this content was sent on Tuesday to recipients in the area Opole (Opole voivodeship).
Experts reminded that when the air is polluted, you should give up walks in the open air and playing outdoor sports and limit the weathering of the rooms.
PM10 dust harmfulness
PM10 dust is one of the ingredients smog. It contains, among others, toxic substances. It is created as a product of combustion in furnaces and solid fuel boilers.
Smog is created as a result of mixing smoke, dust and other impurities with fog or moisture in the air. The high concentration of PM10 is an indicator of poor air quality and can cause health problems, such as respiratory irritation, coughing and exacerbation of asthma.
What is RCB alert
The RCB alert is an SMS system of warning against threats. You don't have to sign up for the RCB alert. People who will be in the area of ​​a potential occurrence of a life -threatening crisis situation will receive a short text message (SMS) with information on the type of threat along with the location, as well as the source of warning. It does not matter which operator we have concluded the contract.
The amendment to the telecommunications law and some other acts of June 11, 2018 imposes on all operators the obligation to immediately send a message to all users in the area specified by the RCB director. Messages are issued only in exceptional situations that can really threaten human life and health.
PM10 emission sourcesPolish smog alarm
Source of the main photo: Tvn24