Poles buy reds? “Apartments for renovation” are increasingly called “redheads” even in the announcements not only of flippers. However, the situation on the real estate market is changing and apartments for renovation are increasingly bought by “ordinary people”. – apartments for renovation, this is specific, but The gaining popularity option on the housing market – notes MirosÅ‚aw Król, an expert of the real estate market.
How much does “apartment to renovate” cost? – Differences in prices are so important that there are more and more situations when the apartment for renovation is chosen by the customer. For example, a two -room apartment that requires financial outlays, You can buy even for around PLN 200,000. Renovation investments can amount to about 100,000 zlotys and have a ready -made apartment in their own way for relatively little money, taking into account standard prices – says the king.
New apartments are much more expensive: Especially the price plays a role in this case. Buying an apartment on the primary market for 200,000 PLN is practically impossible. For this amount We will be able to buy about 11 sq m in Warsaw in Warsaw On the primary market, in Krakow about 12 sq m, and in Kielce 18 sq m – according to data from RynekPierwotny.pl.
Where does the new trend come from? – The current situation is conducive to such purchases for several reasons: there are more construction teams on the market, which means that “redhead” or simply A flat that requires refreshment, we will lead to good condition faster – explains MirosÅ‚aw Król. – Prices and availability of building materials are stable, and people to work more accessible and more willing to act, which we could not say about the situation on the real estate market when the development boom lasted – he adds. However, he advises you to carefully check the condition of the kitchen and bathroom before buying, because these two rooms usually absorb the most costs during renovation.
Read also: “It has never been so good. Poland is happy, but Europe is departing. There are data on apartments“.
Sources: Next.gazeta.pl, Rynekpierwotny.pl