Łukasz Rogojsz, Interia: It happened. Donald Trump is back.
Roberta Metsolachairwoman European Parliament: – Yes, we now have a new American administration headed by Donald Trump. It is the choice of the American people and we respect it. However, there is also a new House of Representatives and a new Senate, which are the equivalent of the European Parliament, and with whose representatives I intend to continue to work closely.
Are you afraid of Trump? How does he perceive politics and what does he come to the table with now?
– I think it's high time we stopped worrying and giving in to intimidation. We need more European self-confidence. We have previously survived four years of Donald Trump's presidency and we know what to expect. We will work with the Trump administration in exactly the same way we have worked with every previous administration, regardless of whether it was led by Republicans or Democrats.
So what do you expect?
– This is a new era, it requires a strong start and self-reflection on how we talk to others United Stateswhich is our largest trading partner. But we also need to focus on what he's doing Europa. We should act, not just react. That's why I'm looking forward to talking with my counterpart in American politics, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, as well as other members of Congress. We need to see where our common denominator is and how we can move forward together.
European Union Has she learned her lesson from Trump's first term? We know that he likes to play hardball in politics and sees it as a business. Is the EU ready to play equally hard if necessary?
– The European Union and the United States have a deep bond. We have always protected fundamental rights, the rule of law and democracy together. I believe that this partnership will continue to be of fundamental importance in the future. I also hope that the United States will see that an “America First” approach won't work if it becomes “America Only.”
– As I said earlier, Europe must start acting better, and not just react to policies coming from across the Atlantic. We must be ready to stand on our own feet and take our destiny into our own hands. We need the United States, but the United States needs Europe just as much. We are each other's largest trading partners, and our joint trade reaches up to EUR 1 trillion annually.
Trump knows this, but in politics he only respects strength. Therefore, the question arises: whether the EU has matured enough to become a global power that is an equal partner for the United States and China.
– The EU is already a global power that cooperates not only with the United States and China, but also with many other countries and regions around the world. Europe has a role to play Ukrainein our immediate neighborhood, but also in the Middle East, Latin America and other places around the world. We simply need to use our strong position and stop running away from our leadership role.
You mentioned Ukraine. We are undoubtedly approaching the moment when peace talks will start. The EU has a plan for them, is it ready?
– Ukraine must speak from a position of strength during them. Therefore, maintaining our support for President Zelensky's “Peace Formula” and “Victory Plan” is of absolutely strategic importance. It is the only comprehensive framework for a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. Therefore, we must further strengthen our military support for Ukraine. Poland is an example here and understands that the degree of our readiness must match the degree of threat we face. I hope the Prime Minister Donald Tusk during the Polish presidency of the EU, it will play a key role in securing further European unity and support for Ukraine.
We cannot ignore the fact that Russia is our neighbor and a global player. Russia is much more than Vladimir Putin and his supporters
~ Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament
There is a justified fear that the new American administration will cut aid funds for Ukraine. Is the EU ready to take over the United States' role in helping Ukraine – financially, militarily and politically?
– Ukraine remains our top priority. Europe has been on Ukraine's side from the first day of this war, providing it with political, economic, humanitarian and military support. And we will do this for as long as it takes. Together with the international community, we will also continue our efforts to reach peace.
– It definitely can't be just any room. Certainly not the false version of peace propagated by Russiabut true and lasting peace. Peace with dignity, peace with freedom, peace with justice. To this end, our guiding principle must remain: nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine.
Will you say openly and directly that the EU will not allow Ukraine to lose this war even if the United States stops supporting Ukraine?
– As I said, the European Union has been with Ukraine from the first day of this war, and a fair and lasting peace is our priority. We will stand by Ukraine as long as necessary. Europe will not let anything weaken our determination. The United States has always stood on the side of freedom and democracy. I am confident that the new administration will also be on this side.
Every war ends someday. What's next? How do you see the future of relations with Russia?
– Support for Ukraine and peace in Ukraine remains our most important goal. We must focus on achieving this peace, while maintaining our clear commitment to repair and rebuild Ukraine together with our international allies.
– Although we focus on peace, we will not forget about responsibility for the crimes committed by The Kremlin and their accomplices against Ukraine. That is why we support the establishment of the Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine.

In Poland and on the entire eastern flank of the EU, many people fear that after the war, the EU will want to return to normal relations with Russia, to the “business as usual” approach. What would you say to these people?
– I would tell them that we cannot ignore the fact that Russia is our neighbor and a global player. Russia is much more than that Vladimir Putin and his supporters. We must not forget this and will have to look at it carefully when the time comes.
Apart from Ukrainian affairs, one of the main priorities of the new one European Commission is EU enlargement. Is this really a good idea in such uncertain and unstable times?
– Enlargement is one of the most important issues for us in the coming years. Not only for Ukraine, Moldova Whether Balkans Western countries, but also for the Union itself and stabilization in our immediate neighborhood.
I think it's high time we stopped worrying and giving in to intimidation. We need more European self-confidence. We have previously survived four years of Donald Trump's presidency and we know what to expect
~ Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament
The point is that even in the current composition of the EU, it is increasingly difficult to reach compromises, let alone unanimity. The addition of new Member States will only deepen this problem and increase friction within the Community.
– Although enlargement is the most powerful geopolitical tool in the hands of the EU, and the enlarged Union will be even stronger, this process will also require changes and reforms from us. We cannot lose sight of the fact that a larger EU will have to adapt to a situation in which it wants to maintain its effectiveness when more Member States are at the table. Preparing for this future is key. It is important to remember that each candidate country has its own path based on its own objectives. There can be no geopolitical concession.
The difficult times for the EU that I mentioned also concern the fact that the political center is losing its influence in the EU and European politics in general. We see what is happening in France, Germany, AustriaSlovakia and Hungary. Is a new wave of far-right and pro-Kremlin populism coming?
– First of all, I think that each country in the EU has its own political situation and we cannot always draw general conclusions from it. However, it is true that populism and nationalism are a threat to European democracy. We have seen extremism on the rise, and while the constructive center continues to thrive in Europe, far too many people have decided that their only option is to turn to the political extremes.
Has the EU learned any lesson from this?
– We have to look at all these results and learn from them. This also means looking in the mirror, which doesn't have to be pleasant. We have become too comfortable, relying on the assumption that those who have always voted for us will continue to do so, no matter what. This is a bad approach. Instead, we must work very hard, all of us, to win back these voters, and the only way to do that is to provide them with credible solutions that make a real difference.
– We also have to defend our democracy and our values every day. Therefore, EU institutions must be closer to citizens. Our democracy must provide prosperity and security. He must care for dignity and defend rights. It must ensure that people are given the opportunity to realize their potential. I want to work on all this as President of the European Parliament.
This is quite a challenge for you. One of the main conclusions of Mario Draghi's high-profile report was that the EU is lagging behind the United States and China in terms of economic and technological competitiveness. How do you want to deal with this in a situation where the EU still faces the risk of trade wars with Washington and Beijing?
– Strengthening EU competitiveness is one of our main priorities for the coming years. In this context, the Draghi report makes a very important contribution. Strengthening EU competitiveness means increasing productivity and accelerating investment in our own industrial potential. This will allow us to take advantage of sustainable economic growth and create jobs. We also want to limit excessive bureaucracy, which may hinder us in our efforts and constitute an obstacle to including society in the entire process.
– The dual transformation, digital and green, must cover every sector of the economy, but also provide real incentives and a safety cushion for industry, ensuring that we leave no one behind. This will also require deepening our single market and adapting it to today's new circumstances by integrating sectors such as energy, finance, telecommunications and services.
– Interestingly, Draghi's report indicated that the productivity of the European economy is lower than the American one only in the digital sector. However, this sector is making a difference and becoming more and more powerful. That's why we must also invest in developing our digital sector by removing restrictions and facilitating access to markets.
– If we want our enterprises and industries to develop, become more innovative, create jobs and remain globally competitive, the mobilization of private capital is fundamental. Europe has always been home to innovators, entrepreneurs, builders, reformers and thinkers. We need to resurrect this spirit and unite around building a stronger Europe instead of dragging each other down.